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 Distributable Master Data Objects

The following master data objects can be distributed:

  • Change Numbers

  • Article master record

  • User master record

  • Purchasing info record

  • Business process

  • Classification, class and characteristics

  • Conditions

  • Cost center

  • Cost center group

  • Cost element group

  • Cost element

  • Customer master record

  • Activity type

  • Activity master record

  • Activity type group

  • Vendor master record

  • Material master record

  • Unit of measure for cost center and cost element combination

  • Source List

  • HR master data, organizational data

  • Profit center

  • G/L account

  • Bill of material (materials and documents)

  • Activity price of cost center and cost element combination

  • Value scale and quota scale

Some of these master data objects are described in more detail below:

Change Numbers

If a change number is distributed using the message type ECMMAS, it contains:

  • Change master record (in long text if available)

  • Alternative dates

  • Validity

  • Object types for change master

  • Object management records (in long text if available)

If the distributed change number does not already exist in the target system, it is created here. It is not yet possible to delete a change number in the target system nor to distribute it using a change pointer.

Article Master Record

For further information about distributing articles refer to the topic below in the document ISR - SAP Retail:

Articles: Transfer and Distribution of Master Data

User Master Record

For more information about the central administration of user master data, see the ALE Implementation Guide (Transaction SALE).

Modelling and Implementing Business ProcessesPredefined ALE Business Processes Cross-Application Business Processes Central user administration

Purchasing info record

When Purchasing Info Records are distributed in the message INFREC, the following data is transferred:

  • General data and texts

  • Purchasing organizational data and texts for purchasing organizational data

The following data is not distributed:

  • Customs tariff preference data

  • Order price history

The prerequisite is that the master records of the vendors and materials in question have already been distributed

The number ranges for purchasing info records need to be synchronized system-wide.

  • When the IDoc for purchasing info records of a stock material is posted, if the purchasing info record for the material and the appropriate supplier does not already exist in the receiver system, the number of the purchasing info record is copied from the central system. Otherwise, the existing purchasing info record is updated.

  • For purchasing info records for non-stock materials, the purchasing info record number is always copied from the central system. If a purchasing info record with the same number already exists, the system checks whether it has the same supplier and material group as the info record from the central system.

When a purchasing info record is posted, its conditions are not changed. However, the NETPR (net price) and EFFPR (effective price) fields are updated. In other words, the values are copied from the central system.

Conditions for info records must be transferred separately using the standard conditions distribution (message COND_A).

If the PLANT filter object is used in modeling the distribution of purchasing info records, the plant field must contain the value SPACE when you are working with purchasing info records which deal with more than one plant.

If the Material or Material listing filter objects are used for modeling the distribution of info records, the Material field must contain the value SPACE when you are working with purchasing info records for non-stock materials.

The supplier listing filter object cannot be used in the distribution of purchasing info records. Only material listings are allowed to be used as filter objects in the distribution of purchasing info records.

SAP provides the following enhancements:

  • MMAL0003: ALE purchasing info record distribution: outbound processing

  • MMAL0004: ALE purchasing info record distribution: inbound processing

For information on purchasing info records refer to the documentation MM - Purchasing in Purchasing Info Records .

Business Process

For further information about distributing business processes, see the documentation CO - Process Cost Accounting under the topic:

Master Data in Process Cost Accounting


For the message type CLFMAS the dependencies of other message types, such as MATMAS and CREMAS, must be maintained in different filter groups.


The message type COND_A is used to distribute Conditions.

Fields that are reduced are set to initial in the receiving system. If you reduce whole segments, these are deleted in the target system.

Conditions with use E (= bonus, conditions for later calculation) can only be distributed manually and not using the change document system.

Cost Center

When cost centers are distributed, the field CV_OTYPE for the joint venture object type is not distributed with them.

Customer master record

Addresses of contact persons are not distributed.

Long texts are not included in the change document system.

Activity Master Record

When Activity Master Recordsare distributed in the message SRVMAS, the following data is transferred:

  • Activity basic data

  • Short texts (multi-language)

  • Short texts (multi-language)

The activity conditions must be distributed separately with the message COND_A.

Note Note

To display the ALE distribution for activity conditions, choose the following from the SAP Easy Access Menu:

Start of the navigation path Logistics Next navigation step Materials Management Next navigation step Purchasing Next navigation step Master Data Next navigation step Conditions Next navigation step Other Next navigation step Display End of the navigation path .

On the Conditions screen, choose the menu path Environment -> Condition Information to display the report Display Condition Records (RV13AACG).

After you have executed the report, you can use the pushbutton Send Condition to send the activity conditions to a partner system with message type Cond A.

End of the note.

If you want to distribute activity contracts or maintain the same master data centrally so that you can use it in other SAP systems, then you should distribute activity master records.

Activity master records or any changes made to them are distributed with the report RBDSESRV or with the SMD tool.

For more information see the documentation MM - Services in Service Master Records .

Vendor Master Record

When distributing vendor master data, reminder data is posted in inbound processing only to the default dunning area.

If you are using SAP Retail, you can also distribute values for vendor characteristics.

Material Master Record

Changes to the material type of a material cannot be distributed. The material type of a material (field MTART) can only be transferred to the receiving SAP system, if you create a material, not if you change a material. A single material may therefore have different material types in different systems.

The production version segment (E1MKALM) is only used in outbound processing. You cannot import the information into an SAP system. This information can, however, be processed by non-SAP systems.

For further information about distributing material master records see the SAP Library in the documentation LO - Administration of Material Master Data under IDoc Types for Distributing Master Data .

Source List

The message SRCLST is used to distribute Source List Records.

The prerequisite is that the master records of the vendors, materials and possibly contracts have already been distributed

Note Note

Source list records referring to a scheduling agreement cannot be distributed, because scheduling agreements cannot be distributed using ALE.

End of the note.

If you use the purchasing organization filter object when modeling the distribution of source lists, the supplier field must contain a space if you are working with source lists which span more than one purchasing organization.

If you use the Supplier filter object when modeling the distribution of source lists, the supplier field must contain a space if you are working with source list records which are supplier-independent.

The supplier listing filter object cannot be used in the distribution of source lists. Only material listings are allowed to be used as filter objects.

SAP provides the following enhancements:

  • MMAL0001: ALE source list distribution: outbound processing

  • MMAL0002: ALE source list distribution: inbound processing

For more information see the documentation MM - Purchasing in Maintaining the Source List .

HR master data, organizational data

For more information see Master Data Distribution (Human Resources) .

Profit Center

Statistical key figures are not distributed.

Master data can only be maintained in the local system of the controlling area.

G/L Account

The EXTERNAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION field in the company code segment is only included if new G/L accounts are created. Changes to this field are not posted. For security purposes, you have to do this manually.

Bill of Material

Bills of material (BOM) are distributed with all items valid on the key date and, if applicable, with local object dependencies. Only simple bills of material can be distributed.

The distribution of bills of material does not include:

  • Long texts for headers, alternatives and items

  • Sub-items

  • Global object dependencies; These must exist in the system.

  • BOM history - only the status of the BOM on the key date is distributed.

  • the BOM item objects, for example materials, documents and classes. These objects must be distributed separately from, and before, the BOM.

  • If applicable, the change number. The change number must exist in the system.

If you send bills of material directly, the user receives a list of all bills of material selected by the system which can be manually edited afterwards. Because only simple BOMs can be distributed, the user cannot select relevant alternative and variant BOMs, plant assignments and material variants for distribution.

You can overwrite the selection date displayed on the selection screen in the detail list. You can also replace it with a change number. For maintenance in the target system, you can also give a valid-from date or a change number (engineering change management). If you do not change it, the valid-from date or change number is copied from the sending system.

Here are the message variants for message type BOMMAT:

  • CNG (change, standard): Changes the BOM items.

    The BOM header data remains unchanged. It creates the BOM in the target system, if it is not already there. This is the default if you do not select a message variant.

  • CRE (create): Creates the BOM.

    If the BOM already exists in the target system, the IDoc is not posted.

  • DEL (delete): Deletes the BOM.

    You should use this function with the utmost caution, since the deletion of the BOM also deletes references from other applications (such as routing and production orders).

Changes to simple material BOMs or BOM items can also be distributed with the SMD tool. This way you can identify items in the target system using the fields, item category, item number, sort string and object. The object field is dependent on item category material, document data and class data.

Value Scale and Quota Scale

In SAP Retail characteristics must be distributed before value and quota scales. Characteristics are not distributed with value and quota scales. For more information see the SAP Retail documentation under Material Group: Value and Quota Scales .