The material status tells you whether a material is subject to restrictions, and what they are. For example, a material may be a part under development or one to be discontinued. The use of a material can be restricted in a number of ways:
The material can be blocked for use in certain business activities by assigning one or both of the following material statuses to it:
Plant-specific material status
In the standard material master, this field appears on the
Production Resources/Tools
Quality Management
screen, and
Work Scheduling
Cross-plant material status
In the standard material master, this field appears on the
Basic Data
screen. It is valid for the whole client.
The material can be blocked for use in certain sales activities by assigning one or both of the following statuses to it:
Distribution-chain-specific material status
Cross-distribution-chain material status
In the standard material master, both of these fields appear on the
Sales: Sales Organization Data
screen. The cross-distribution-chain material status is valid for the whole client.
The material can be flagged for deletion. For more information, see Flagging Material Master Records for Deletion .
The plant-specific and cross-plant material status, or distribution-chain-specific and cross-distribution-chain material status, are considered jointly by the system.
You have the following material statuses:
The material is blocked for Purchasing.
The material is blocked for Inventory Management.
You assign material status 01 to the material at plant level, and material status 02 at cross-plant level (that is, at client level). As a result, you block the plant material both for Inventory Management and for Purchasing.