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Syntax documentation Skipping XML Elements During Deserialization  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

The following command allows you to skip XML elements during deserialization.


<tt:skip [name="name"] [count="cnt"]/>


The tt:skip command can be positioned anywhere within a template.



During serialization, tt:skip has no effect.



During deserialization, tt:skip has the following effect.



During deserialization, when comparing the template, the tt:skip command is compared to the structure of the inbound stream as if in its place the skipped elements were specified. This means that a tt:skip command with the attribute name is correct only if at this position of the XML inbound stream the corresponding number of elements of the specified name exist; and the element of a template executed after a tt:skip command must correspond to the element in the XML document that follows after the skipped elements.



In the simple transformation below, the template is divided into a part for serialization and a part for deserialization. During deserialization, the first two X1 elements, all X2 elements after the first X2 element and the Y element including all its subelements are skipped.


<tt:transform xmlns:tt="">

  <tt:root name="ROOT"/>

      <struc tt:ref="ROOT">
          <X1><tt:value ref="COL0" /></X1>
          <X1><tt:value ref="COL1" /></X1>
          <X1><tt:value ref="COL2" /></X1>
          <X2><tt:value ref="COL3" /></X2>
          <X2><tt:value ref="COL4" /></X2>
          <X2><tt:value ref="COL5" /></X2>
            <X3><tt:value ref="COL6" /></X3>
            <X3><tt:value ref="COL7" /></X3>
            <X3><tt:value ref="COL8" /></X3>
          <X4><tt:value ref="COL9" /></X4>
        <tt:skip name="X1" count="2" />
        <X1><tt:value ref="COMPA" /></X1>
        <X2><tt:value ref="COMPB" /></X2>
        <tt:skip name="X2" count="*" />
        <tt:skip name="Y" count="1" />
        <X4><tt:value ref="COMPC" /></X4>
        <tt:skip />



The following ABAP program can call the transformation:


DATA xml_string TYPE string.

        col0 TYPE i VALUE 0,
        col1 TYPE i VALUE 1,
        col2 TYPE i VALUE 2,
        col3 TYPE i VALUE 3,
        col4 TYPE i VALUE 4,
        col5 TYPE i VALUE 5,
        col6 TYPE i VALUE 6,
        col7 TYPE i VALUE 7,
        col8 TYPE i VALUE 8,
        col9 TYPE i VALUE 9,
      END OF struc.

DATA: BEGIN OF result,
        compa TYPE i,
        compb TYPE i,
        compc TYPE i,
      END OF result.

  SOURCE root = struc
  RESULT XML xml_string.

  SOURCE XML xml_string
  RESULT root = result.


After the deserialization, the components of resultreceive the values of the third, forth and tenth component of struc.



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