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 PY-HK Evaluating Payroll Results Check Data


You must generate the payroll results check data before you can run the payroll results check tool.


  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Human resources Next navigation step Payroll Next navigation step Asia/Pacific Next navigation step Hong Kong Next navigation step Subs. activities Next navigation step Per payroll period Next navigation step Evaluation Next navigation step Payroll results check tool Next navigation step Evaluation. End of the navigation path

  2. The Payroll results check tool screen appears.

  3. Enter the relevant payroll area and period.

  4. If you want to analyze specific payments, enter the wage types that represent these payments. To use the default list of wage types, leave the Wage Type option blank.

  5. If you want the data of employees who have left the company to be included, set the Keep leavers until end of year indicator.

  6. Choose Execute .


The Payroll reconciliation report appears.

Note Note

The screen includes options to display the other reports evaluated by the payroll results check tool.

End of the note.

See also:

Generating Payroll Results Check Data

Displaying the Payroll Results Check Data