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 Notifications Infotype (0128)


In the Notifications Infotype (0128) you define the additional information that should be printed on your employee’s salary statement / remuneration statement. For example, messages from management and birthday greetings.


The Notifications infotype (0128) has the following subtypes in the standard system.

  • Subtype 1: General notifications

    In this subtype you assign a text module to a personnel number.You have created the text module previously using the function Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step SAPscript Next navigation step Standardtext End of the navigation path . You cannot edit the text module directly in the Notifications Infotype (0128).

  • Subtype 2: Personal notifications

    In this subtype you edit an individual text module for the personnel number in question. You can only edit and display this text directly in the infotype.