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 Social Security Collection Form - GRPS (HBRGRPS0)


This report enables you to issue the legal report Social Security Collection Form (GRPS - Guia de Recolhimento da Previdência Social ) used by companies to pay the monthly social contributions to the National Social Security Institute (INSS - Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social).

Each contributing company is obliged to issue separate forms for each establishment or civil construction works identified by the CGC or CEI number respectively.


  1. Customization of the section of the Implementation Guide Start of the navigation path Personnel management Next navigation step Personnel management Next navigation step Organizational data Next navigation step Brazil branches and construction sites Next navigation step GRPS information End of the navigation path

  2. The SAPscript HR_BR_GRPS00 form must be configured in advance

  3. Complete the following data on the selection screen:

  1. Occupation status - define the type of employment relationship between employee and employer

  2. Identification code of filing company

  3. Further options, in the event of a branch or works

  4. Definition of the type of collection: normal or past due

  5. Month and year to which the filed information refers

  6. Indicate the INSS collection on the Christmas bonus. In this case, a specific collection form is generated for this purpose.


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  1. Start of the navigation path Human Resources Next navigation step Payroll Next navigation step America Next navigation step Brazil End of the navigation path

  2. Start of the navigation path Subsequent activities Next navigation step Monthly Next navigation step Analysis Next navigation step Social Security Collection Form End of the navigation path

  3. Complete the data on the selection screen and run the report.

The legal report Social Security Collection Form (GRPS) is generated for the selected period.

Note Note

If any error occurs while running the report, a list of errors is shown in the results.

End of the note.