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 Profit Center Group


A profit center group is a hierarchical structure of profit centers.

You can use profit center groups to group profit centers together according to company-specific criteria.


Profit center groups are used for reporting, allocations or in various planning functions, where it is not desirable to enter or display data at the lowest level (with a high level of detail).

The standard hierarchy is a special form of a profit center group. It has to contain all profit centers belonging to the controlling area and reflect the organizational structure of Profit Center Accounting.

For more information on the standard hierarchy, see Standard Hierarchy for classic Profit Center Accounting or Standard Hierarchy for new General Ledger Accounting.

You can define profit center groups in the following places:

  • In Profit Center Accounting:

    • In Customizing under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Profit Center Next navigation step Define Profit Center Groups End of the navigation path

    • In the application menu under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Profit Center Group Next navigation step Create/Change/Display End of the navigation path

  • In new General Ledger Accounting

    • In Customizing under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Profit Center Next navigation step Define Profit Center Groups End of the navigation path

    • In the application menu under Start of the navigation path Master Data Next navigation step Profit Center Next navigation step Profit Center Group Next navigation step Create/Change/Display. End of the navigation path