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 Business Event Schedule (Report RHABLAUF)


This report displays the time schedule of a business event.

If the Schedule infotype (1035) has not been stored for the event, the report terminates with a message to this effect.



Select the event whose schedule you want to display by entering one of the following:

Business event ID

Enter the numerical key or ID of the event.

Search string business event

You can initiate a search for the relevant event by entering a search string or term.

Example Example

If you enter a wild card (*), the system displays all existing events.

If you enter * RP * for example, the system finds all events that have the string RP in their long or short name.

End of the example.

The report generates a list in ALV (ABAP List Viewer) Grid Control that can contain any of the following information (depending on your selection specifications):

  • Business event name

  • Business event

  • Business event date

  • Day number

  • Current date

  • Weekday

  • Start and end time

  • Indicator for day off

You can find information on the features and display options of the List Viewer in the documentation of the ABAP List Viewer (ALV): Grid Control .


  1. Set the required options on the selection screen.

  2. Choose Execute .

  3. On the list screen output, change the display options as required.