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  Data Provider

The data provider is responsible for ensuring the data is correct and is assigned to an authorization group in Customizing for Basic Data and Tools under Specify Authorization Groups . The data provider is generally the organizational unit that supplies the data for an import into the SAP system. If there is no data provider for a data record of a specification in an import file, the data provider that was specified for the corresponding authorization group in Customizing is used as the default value.

If a data record of a specification is changed, the SAP system automatically assigns the data provider that corresponds with the authorization group of the changed specification, to the data record. If you want to retain the original data provider, you must set the Retain data origin/provider indicator in the hit list under Start of the navigation path Utilities Next navigation step Settings Next navigation step Data Provider End of the navigation path .

Note Note

You can also control the system behavior using the parameter ESX in your user profile. This parameter can have the following values:

  • X : Data origin and provider are retained permanently.

  • Y : Data origin and provider are not retained.

  • <blank> : Parameter ESX is not taken into account.

If you set a value for this parameter, the system adjusts the value automatically if you select or deselect the Retain data origin/provider indicator from the hit list. That means, for example, if you set X as the default value for the parameter ESX in your user profile and then deselect the Retain data origin/provider indicator, the system sets the parameter ESX in your user profile to Y .

End of the note.

You enter the data providers in address management in the SAP Product Safety component under Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step Addresses Next navigation step Edit Data Providers End of the navigation path .

See also:

Example: Data Provider and Data Origin

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