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 Bank Data


Bank details consist of a four-digit bank number (“registration number”) plus the account number with check digits for this financial institution. The account number is numeric with a maximum of 10 digits.

Example Example

Assume a vendor’s bank account number is 1122334455, at a bank whose registration number is 1234. You enter the account number as follows:

  • Bank Key: 1234

  • Bank Account: 1122334455

End of the example.

For payments or bank collection via Pengeinstituttenes Betalingssystemer (PBS), the PBS number of each business partner has to be specified. You should also store this number in the master data of your business partners. In this case, enter the PBS number in the Bank Account field. In the Bank Key field, enter 9999 . Maintain the bank data for bank key 9999 in accordance with PBS.

For payments or bank collection through Giro Bank, the postal giro number of each business partner has to be specified. You should also store this number in the master data of your business partners. Enter the postal giro number in the Bank Account field. In the Bank Key field, enter 1199 . Maintain the bank data for bank key 1199 in accordance with the Giro Bank.