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 Registro de Apuração do IPI

This book also reports tax entries which have been posted manually through regular FI postings.

The following GL accounts have to exist before entering the information. Note that the GL accounts must be defined per branch. The account must allow Single item display .

  • Outros Débitos - IPI

Line items appear in the Demonstrativo de Créditos (row-id 004, Estorno de Débitos) and in the Demonstrativo de Débitos (row-id 012, Outros Débitos).

  • Outros Créditos - IPI

Line items appear in the Demonstrativo de Créditos (row-id 005, Outros Créditos) and in the Demonstrativo de Débitos (row-id 010, Estorno de Créditos).

  • Saldo Credor no Periodo anterior - IPI

Line items appear in the Demonstrativo de Créditos (row-id 007, Saldo Credor no Periodo anterior).

  • Ressarcimento de Creditos - IPI

Line items appear in the Demonstrativo de Debitos (row-id 011, Ressarcimento de Creditos)

Please assign the account to the list layout in the table List layout: Additional accounts - Modelo 8 . You can maintain the table by choosing the Customizing path for legal books .