Start Level 1 Node: SAPconnect (BC-SRV-COM)SAPconnect (BC-SRV-COM)End Level 1 Node: SAPconnect (BC-SRV-COM)
   Start Level 2 Node: SMTP Configuration GuideSMTP Configuration GuideEnd Level 2 Node: SMTP Configuration Guide
   Start Level 2 Node: HTTP Configuration GuideHTTP Configuration GuideEnd Level 2 Node: HTTP Configuration Guide
   Start Level 2 Node: AdministrationAdministrationEnd Level 2 Node: Administration
      Start Level 3 Node: External Sending in the SAP SystemExternal Sending in the SAP SystemEnd Level 3 Node: External Sending in the SAP System
      Start Level 3 Node: Authorizations in SAPconnectAuthorizations in SAPconnectEnd Level 3 Node: Authorizations in SAPconnect
      Start Level 3 Node: Creating an RFC UserCreating an RFC UserEnd Level 3 Node: Creating an RFC User
      Start Level 3 Node: Settings for the Connection of External Communication SystemsSettings for the Connection of External Communication SystemsEnd Level 3 Node: Settings for the Connection of External Communication Systems
         Start Level 4 Node: Rules for Recipient Number AdjustmentRules for Recipient Number AdjustmentEnd Level 4 Node: Rules for Recipient Number Adjustment
      Start Level 3 Node: NodesNodesEnd Level 3 Node: Nodes
         Start Level 4 Node: Address AreaAddress AreaEnd Level 4 Node: Address Area
         Start Level 4 Node: FormatsFormatsEnd Level 4 Node: Formats
            Start Level 5 Node: Setting Device Types for Format ConversionSetting Device Types for Format ConversionEnd Level 5 Node: Setting Device Types for Format Conversion
      Start Level 3 Node: Settings for Sending Using the SMTP Plug-InSettings for Sending Using the SMTP Plug-InEnd Level 3 Node: Settings for Sending Using the SMTP Plug-In
         Start Level 4 Node: The SMTP NodeThe SMTP NodeEnd Level 4 Node: The SMTP Node
         Start Level 4 Node: Using SMTP with SAP Web ASUsing SMTP with SAP Web ASEnd Level 4 Node: Using SMTP with SAP Web AS
      Start Level 3 Node: Testing RoutingTesting RoutingEnd Level 3 Node: Testing Routing
      Start Level 3 Node: Send ProcessesSend ProcessesEnd Level 3 Node: Send Processes
         Start Level 4 Node: Scheduling a Send Process as a Background JobScheduling a Send Process as a Background JobEnd Level 4 Node: Scheduling a Send Process as a Background Job
            Start Level 5 Node: Conventional Job SchedulingConventional Job SchedulingEnd Level 5 Node: Conventional Job Scheduling
            Start Level 5 Node: Simplified Job SchedulingSimplified Job SchedulingEnd Level 5 Node: Simplified Job Scheduling
         Start Level 4 Node: Starting the Send Process in DialogStarting the Send Process in DialogEnd Level 4 Node: Starting the Send Process in Dialog
         Start Level 4 Node: Parallelizing Send Processes for Improved PerformanceParallelizing Send Processes for Improved PerformanceEnd Level 4 Node: Parallelizing Send Processes for Improved Performance
         Start Level 4 Node: Send Requests OverviewSend Requests OverviewEnd Level 4 Node: Send Requests Overview
      Start Level 3 Node: Confirmation of Receipt of Internet MessagesConfirmation of Receipt of Internet MessagesEnd Level 3 Node: Confirmation of Receipt of Internet Messages
      Start Level 3 Node: Default DomainDefault DomainEnd Level 3 Node: Default Domain
      Start Level 3 Node: Sending Business Objects Over the InternetSending Business Objects Over the InternetEnd Level 3 Node: Sending Business Objects Over the Internet
      Start Level 3 Node: Inbound DistributionInbound DistributionEnd Level 3 Node: Inbound Distribution
         Start Level 4 Node: Maintaining Inbound DistributionMaintaining Inbound DistributionEnd Level 4 Node: Maintaining Inbound Distribution
         Start Level 4 Node: Exits for Inbound DistributionExits for Inbound DistributionEnd Level 4 Node: Exits for Inbound Distribution
            Start Level 5 Node: Creating Services for the SMTP Plug-InCreating Services for the SMTP Plug-InEnd Level 5 Node: Creating Services for the SMTP Plug-In
      Start Level 3 Node: Document ReorganizationDocument ReorganizationEnd Level 3 Node: Document Reorganization
      Start Level 3 Node: Maintaining Disclosures for External CommunicationMaintaining Disclosures for External CommunicationEnd Level 3 Node: Maintaining Disclosures for External Communication
         Start Level 4 Node: Step 1: Creating Disclosures for Enterprise AreasStep 1: Creating Disclosures for Enterprise AreasEnd Level 4 Node: Step 1: Creating Disclosures for Enterprise Areas
         Start Level 4 Node: Step 2: Creating Standard DisclosuresStep 2: Creating Standard DisclosuresEnd Level 4 Node: Step 2: Creating Standard Disclosures
         Start Level 4 Node: Optional Step 3: Defining Exceptions for DisclosuresOptional Step 3: Defining Exceptions for DisclosuresEnd Level 4 Node: Optional Step 3: Defining Exceptions for Disclosures
         Start Level 4 Node: Optional Step 4: Testing Disclosure AssignmentOptional Step 4: Testing Disclosure AssignmentEnd Level 4 Node: Optional Step 4: Testing Disclosure Assignment
         Start Level 4 Node: Step 5: Activating Disclosure AdministrationStep 5: Activating Disclosure AdministrationEnd Level 4 Node: Step 5: Activating Disclosure Administration
      Start Level 3 Node: Monitoring SendingMonitoring SendingEnd Level 3 Node: Monitoring Sending
         Start Level 4 Node: Views in SAPconnect AdministrationViews in SAPconnect AdministrationEnd Level 4 Node: Views in SAPconnect Administration
         Start Level 4 Node: Simplified Job OverviewSimplified Job OverviewEnd Level 4 Node: Simplified Job Overview
         Start Level 4 Node: Send Requests OverviewSend Requests OverviewEnd Level 4 Node: Send Requests Overview
         Start Level 4 Node: Alert Monitor for SAPconnect and SAPphoneAlert Monitor for SAPconnect and SAPphoneEnd Level 4 Node: Alert Monitor for SAPconnect and SAPphone
            Start Level 5 Node: Setting Monitoring in the Alert MonitorSetting Monitoring in the Alert MonitorEnd Level 5 Node: Setting Monitoring in the Alert Monitor
               Start Level 6 Node: Activating Monitoring for Nodes and ServersActivating Monitoring for Nodes and ServersEnd Level 6 Node: Activating Monitoring for Nodes and Servers
               Start Level 6 Node: Scheduling a Data Collection MethodScheduling a Data Collection MethodEnd Level 6 Node: Scheduling a Data Collection Method
                  Start Level 7 Node: Scheduling the Data Collection MethodScheduling the Data Collection MethodEnd Level 7 Node: Scheduling the Data Collection Method
                  Start Level 7 Node: Starting the Data Collection Method ManuallyStarting the Data Collection Method ManuallyEnd Level 7 Node: Starting the Data Collection Method Manually
                  Start Level 7 Node: Setting Automatic Start of Data Collection MethodSetting Automatic Start of Data Collection MethodEnd Level 7 Node: Setting Automatic Start of Data Collection Method
            Start Level 5 Node: SAP Business Communication Monitor SetSAP Business Communication Monitor SetEnd Level 5 Node: SAP Business Communication Monitor Set
            Start Level 5 Node: Adapting Monitoring in the Alert MonitorAdapting Monitoring in the Alert MonitorEnd Level 5 Node: Adapting Monitoring in the Alert Monitor
               Start Level 6 Node: Restricting the Data Collection MethodRestricting the Data Collection MethodEnd Level 6 Node: Restricting the Data Collection Method
      Start Level 3 Node: Error AnalysisError AnalysisEnd Level 3 Node: Error Analysis
         Start Level 4 Node: Setting Internal TracesSetting Internal TracesEnd Level 4 Node: Setting Internal Traces
         Start Level 4 Node: Querying the Operating Status of External ComponentsQuerying the Operating Status of External ComponentsEnd Level 4 Node: Querying the Operating Status of External Components
         Start Level 4 Node: Displaying the MIME VersionDisplaying the MIME VersionEnd Level 4 Node: Displaying the MIME Version
         Start Level 4 Node: Creating an Overview of Send RequestsCreating an Overview of Send RequestsEnd Level 4 Node: Creating an Overview of Send Requests
      Start Level 3 Node: Secure E-MailSecure E-MailEnd Level 3 Node: Secure E-Mail
   Start Level 2 Node: Process Flow for External CommunicationProcess Flow for External CommunicationEnd Level 2 Node: Process Flow for External Communication