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Function documentation Configuring the Sender File/FTP Adapter Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You need to configure the sender file/FTP adapter to be able to send the content of files to the Integration Server or the PCK. This only applies to files that are not read-only.


You configure the adapter on the Parameters tab page during the definition of a communication channel in the Integration Server or in the PCK. In addition to the adapter configuration, you can use the Module tab page in the module processor to specify generic modules, which give the adapter additional functions.

Condition for Sender Agreement

The adapter determines the payload of the XI message according to how it is configured. However, the message header information is determined from the corresponding sender agreement for the communication channel.

The following conditions apply to the adapter for the definition of the sender agreement:

·        The communication channel defined here must have exactly one sender agreement.

·        At least the interface name and the sender service must be qualified in the sender agreement. All other fields are optional in accordance with the general rules for defining sender agreements.

Accessing File Names

If you are developing a module for the sender file/FTP adapter and want to access the file name in the module, see SAP Note 819761.


       1.      You have created a new communication channel or have opened an existing one.

       2.      On the Parameters tab page you have selected the adapter type FILE.

       3.      You have selected the Sender radio button to define the adapter as a sender adapter.

Using FTPS (File Transfer Protocol using SSL/TLS)

·        The SAP Java Cryptographic Toolkit is deployed. See also: Structure linkDeploying the SAP Java Cryptographic Toolkit

·        The CA certificate used to sign the server certificate must be added to the TrustedCAs keystore view. See also: Structure linkKey Storage Service


To configure the adapter, specify the following:

Transport Protocol

The file can be selected from either a file system (File System (NFS)) or from a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.

Message Protocol

·        To send the file content to the Integration Engine or the PCK unaltered, choose File.

·        If you want to send the Integration Engine or the PCK a text file with complex data structures that are to be converted into an XML document, choose File Content Conversion and make the required entries for conversion under Content Conversion Parameters (see below).

Adapter Engine

Select the Adapter Engine on the Integration Server, or select a non-centrally installed Adapter Engine. This selection is not available in the PCK.

File Access Parameters

·        Source Directory

Specify the directory where the files to be processed are located.

You can either specify the entire path name or a name relative to the working directory of the Adapter Engine. In all platforms (including Windows), use a forward slash (/) to separate directory names in accordance with Java specification.

·        File Name

Specify the name of the file that you want to process. You can enter a placeholder (*) for the name to select a list of files for processing.

FTP Connection Parameters

If you have selected the transport protocol File Transfer Protocol (FTP), enter the following:

·        Server

Enter the host name or IP address of the FTP server.

·        Port

Specify the port number of the FTP server. The default is the standard port for the FTP server (21).

·        Timeout (secs)

If no data is transferred between the client and the FTP server in the time interval specified here, the adapter interprets this as an error and terminates the transfer.

·        Connection Security

¡        None

The FTP protocol is used without encryption.

¡        FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS) for Control Connection

The FTP control connection is protected using TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security (BC-SEC) /Secure Sockets Layer (BC-SEC)). File transfer is unencrypted.

¡        FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS) for Control and Data Connection

All communication with the FTP server is encrypted and uses TLS/SSL.

If you selected FTPSfor Connection Security, then enter the following details:

·        Command Order

Specifies the sequence of commands used to authenticate and secure the connection.

Retain the default setting. Only adjust the sequence of commands to match those expected of the FTP server if you encounter problems with the FTP connection. For information about the correct setting, see the documentation for the FTP server.

·        Use X.509 Certificate for Client Authentication

Set this indicator if the adapter, in contrast to the FTP server, is to use X.509 certificate and public-key cryptography to authenticate itself. The corresponding key/certificate pair must previously be saved in a keystore view of the J2EE server by using the Visual Administrator.

¡        Enter the Key Store and the X.509 Certificate and Private Key. To do this, you can use the input help.

·        To logon with the user name anonymous and the password anonymous, set the Anonymous Login indicator. Otherwise, enter the following:

¡        User Name

Enter a valid user name for the FTP server.

¡        Password with confirmation

·        Connect Mode


An existing connection to the FTP server is used permanently.

The connection is reestablished automatically if it is closed by the server.

Per File Transfer

A new connection to the FTP server is established for each file transfer.

·        Transfer Mode

Set the FTP connection transfer mode to Textor to Binary.

Processing Parameters



Quality of Service

Specifies how the Integration Engine/PCK should process a message.

·        Best Effort

(synchronous processing)

·        Exactly Once

(asynchronous processing with guaranteed execution exactly once)

·        Exactly Once In Order (asynchronous processing using queues, in other words guaranteed execution exactly once and maintaining the sequence of successive messages).

Specify the Queue Name.

Poll Interval (secs)

Number of seconds that the adapter must wait if no files are found for processing.

Poll Interval (msecs)

Additional waiting time in milliseconds.

If Poll Interval (secs) is set to null, processing times will be short and close to real time.

If Poll Interval (secs) and Poll Interval (msecs) are set to null, the adapter is only called once.

Retry Interval (secs)

Specify the number of seconds that the adapter is to wait before a file processed with errors is processed again.

If the value is set to null, then the adapter is canceled if an error occurs, even if a value greater than null is specified for Poll Interval (secs).


If no value is specified, the value from Poll Interval (secs) is used.

Processing Mode


Files that have been successfully processed are moved to an archive directory.

·        To add a time stamp to a file name, select the Add Time Stamp indicator. The time stamp has the format yyyMMdd-hhMMss-SSS_. The time stamp ensures that the archived files are not overwritten and it enables you to sort them according to the time that they were received.

·        Under Archive Directory enter the name of the archive directory.

·        If you want to archive the files on the FTP server, set the Archive Files on FTP Server indicator. If you do not set the indicator, the files are archived in the Adapter Engine file system.


Successfully processed files are deleted.


Files are not processed.

This mode should only be used to test the configurations of file/FTP adapters or the Integration Engine/PCK. It is not suitable for production operation.

Set to Read-Only

Successfully processed files are given this attribute. Only recordable files are processed. This selection is only available for the File System (NFS) transport protocol.

Process Read-Only Files

(Transport Protocol File System (NFS))

Set the indicator if you want to also transfer files that are locked by other applications.

Only set this indicator if you are sure that no data will be lost.

Processing Sequence

(Transport Protocol File System (NFS))

If you used placeholders when specifying the file name, define the processing sequence of the files:

·        The default value is By Name. Files are processed alphabetically by file name.

·        If you select By Date, files are processed according to their time stamp in the file system, starting with the oldest file.

File Type

Specify the document data type.



Under File Encoding, specify a code page. The default setting is to use the system code page that is specific to the configuration of the installed operating system. The file content is converted to the UTF-8 code page before it is sent.

Permitted values for the code page are the existing Charsets of the Java runtime. According to the SUN specification for the Java runtime, at least the following standard character sets must be supported:

·        US-ASCII

Seven-bit ASCII, also known as ISO646-US, or Basic Latin block of the Unicode character set

·        ISO-8859-1

ISO character set for Western European languages (Latin Alphabet No. 1), also known as ISO-LATIN-1

·        UTF-8

8-bit Unicode character format

·        UTF-16BE

16-bit Unicode character format, big-endian byte order

·        UTF-16LE

16-bit Unicode character format, little-endian byte order

·        UTF-16

16-bit Unicode character format, byte order


Check which other character sets are supported in the documentation for your Java runtime implementation.


XML text documents generally contain their own code page description and should be treated as Binary data type.


Additional File(s)

(Transport Protocol File System (NFS))

Set the Additional File(s) indicator if you want to transfer additional files. For more information, see: Specifying Additional Files.

Executing Operating System Commands

·        Operating System Command

An operating system command specified here is executed once a file has been successfully processed that was found in a run. The default value is an empty character string (no command).


When the operating system command is called, the file name currently being processed can be specified with the following placeholders:

·         %f (file name)

·         %F(absolute file name including path)

·        Timeout (secs)

This specifies the maximum runtime of the executing program in seconds. When this time interval is exceeded, the adapter continues processing. The executing program continues to run in the background.

·        Terminate Program After Timeout

Set this indicator when the adapter is to terminate the executing program when the timeout is exceeded.

The adapter writes the output (STDOUT and STDERR) for the operating system command in the system trace.

Content Conversion Parameters

If you have selected File Content Conversion as the message protocol, you can convert a text file that contains complex structures into an XML source format in this mode. The file contains various row formats in logical structures. For more information, see Converting File Content in the Sender Adapter.

Adapter Status

Set the adapter to Active to enable messages to be exchanged.

Advanced Mode

To specify additional parameters in the adapter configuration, set the Advanced Mode indicator.

Msecs to Wait Before Modification Check

Enter the number of milliseconds that the adapter must wait before it checks whether the files have been changed.

This parameter is not available if you have selected File Content Conversion as the Message Protocol and then made an entry under Recordsets per Message that splits an input file into several messages.


Specify the additional parameter names and parameter values in the table.


Additional parameters are published in SAP Note 801926.



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