Entering content frame

Background documentation PhaseIndicator Properties Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

Properties in the View Designer

·        accessibilityDescription

When accessibility is activated, the assigned text is added to the quick info. This description provides semantic details of the UI element and is only read by the screen reader if the user focuses the complete Ul element.

This property can be personalized by an administrator.

·        backgroundDesign

Background color

This property can be personalized by an administrator.


Visual Display


Can be set using personalization


This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

The background is colored



This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

The background is transparent


·        firstVisiblePhase

ID of the first visible phase.

·        selectedPhase

ID of the selected phase.

Note that the phase is not automatically toggled when it is clicked on. You specify the selected phase using the Event Handler.



Leaving content frame