Sales prices are usually calculated in the local currency of your company and rounded off to price points (such as 9.99). During the dual currency phase, your company will change over - all at once or in phases - from calculating prices in your national currency to calculating them in euros. You can convert your price calculations on various levels (distribution chain, site or price list level) and for specific merchandise categories, so that you do not have to deal with all the various logistical problems (updating the POS systems, re-denominating price tickets etc.) at one time.
After you convert your price calculations, all further prices are calculated in the new currency.
There must be a fixed conversion rate between the old and the new currency. This prevents fluctuations in the exchange rate having a detrimental effect on the whole conversion process.
You must create price point groups in the new currency and assign them to the appropriate organizational units to enable you to round off the new prices to price points. You can assign price point groups to an organizational unit for each sales currency involved. This enables you to make the assignment to new price point groups long before you actually convert your price calculations.
You can convert the sales prices of existing calculations at different times for different levels (distribution chain, site, price list) and merchandise categories.
The conversion is carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the system uses pricing documents to identify the calculations affected. It then generates new price calculations, taking the period of validity of the original price calculations into account. The system uses the planned markups already defined to calculate entirely new prices. The sales prices are rounded off to price points in the new currency in line with the price point groups assigned in Customizing.
To enable you to carefully control the conversion of the price calculations, SAP recommends you use the Euro Workbench to carry out the conversions. In using this interface, you can make use of the SAP Business Workflow to control and coordinate the whole process. As a coordinator, you can make use of a powerful search engine for selecting the price calculations to be converted by choosing New entries ® Suggest entries. If you are an agent, you go directly to the price calculations to be converted.
You can use report RWVKP014 to convert price calculation data en masse. You can select price calculations based on a number of criteria, a key criterion being the previous sales currency. The system converts the selected price calculations to euros as described above.
All functions refer to the currency in which the relevant transactions are entered, and can therefore be converted independently of the general currency conversion in Financial Accounting.
See also:
ISR – SAP Retail:
PricingISR – SAP Retail:
Currency Conversion (Euro)CA – European Monetary Union:
Currency Changeover in Retail (IS-R)CA – European Monetary Union:
Parallel Prices in the Dual Currency PhaseCA – European Monetary Union:
Euro Workbench