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Function documentation Down Payments Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You request down payments in Sales and Distribution (SD) and enter the incoming payments in Financial Accounting (FI) following the Structure linkstandard procedures. The only difference is the output:

In addition, each down payment has to be assigned to the appropriate business place.



In Accounts Receivable (FI-AR):

In order for the system to print out the correct output for all billing documents, make the appropriate Customizing settings as described under Output.

For more information about generic Customizing activities for down payments, see Structure linkCustomizing.

Day-to-Day Activities

Create down payment requests in SD following the Structure linkstandard procedure. You can then print out an invoice from the billing document (see Output) or accounting document (see Correspondence). The system automatically assigns the request to the correct business place.

When the customer makes the down payment, enter it in FI-AR as described under Entering Customer Down Payments. You can then print out a combined receipt/tax invoice from the accounting document (see Correspondence).

When you deliver the goods, create a customer invoice for the outstanding sum following the Structure linkstandard procedure. You can then print out a combined invoice/tax invoice from the billing document or accounting document.

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