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Background documentation Input Help Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

In the context of an interactive business application, the input of data by the user is of great importance. In a large number of dialog variants, a valid input represents an element of a limited set of values. A simple example is the short name of an airline carrier, which is frequently used for demonstration purposes:

To select an airline, the user enters the two letter ID of the airline into a search mask. The list of valid letter combinations is limited to the number of available airlines; there is a unique assignment. To facilitate the input, it makes sense to offer a list of the available IDs to the user, from which to select the desired one. You can do this by implementing an input help.

Input Help for Web Dynpro for ABAP

As the result of such an implementation for the respective input field, the Web Dynpro framework will automatically generate and implement the correct icon for the user to choose at runtime to call the input help. In parallel, the keyboard key F4 is automatically assigned to the call of the input help.

The subsequent section of this documentation introduces and explains two pre-implemented input helps that are available in the Web Dynpro for ABAP context.

Input Help Based on the Search Help Function of the ABAP Dictionary and Object Value Selection Input Help. In addition, you can also program your own input help.



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