The search help can be used by all screen fields that refer to the
data element. All the fields with the same meaning therefore have an identical input help.When the search help is attached to a data element, an export parameter of the search help must be assigned to the data element. If the user selects a line of the hit list in the input help, the contents of this parameter are returned to the corresponding screen field. It is not possible to return several values when the search help is attached to a data element.
Table SPFLI (flight schedule) contains the field DISTID for the unit (kilometers, miles) of the flight distance specified in the field DISTANCE. The field DISTID refers to the data element S_DISTID. The elementary search help S_UNIT_DIST (search for distance units) is attached to this data element . The export parameter MSEHI of the search help is assigned to the data element.
The search help S_UNIT_DIST is therefore available for the field DISTID when flight data is maintained in table SPFLI. If the user selects a line of the hit list in the input help, the contents of parameter MSEHI are returned to the screen field.
If the parameter assigned to the data element is also an import parameter of the search help, the contents of the search field are used for the value selection if they contain a pattern. Other import parameters of the search field cannot be taken into consideration when the search help is attached to a data element.
The attachment of the search help to the data element is part of the definition of the data element. You can find out how to attach a search help to a data element in
Creating Data Elements.