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Background documentation Chart Designer Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


The SAP Chart Designer is a tool that enables you to influence the properties – that is, the graphical elements – of a business graphic, such as chart type, size, layout, color, and shading.

The features of the Chart Designer and all the properties that you can modify are described in Structure linkChart OCX Business Graphic.

Structure of the Chart Designer

The Chart Designer is divided into three areas:

·        Graphic preview

Area on the left side where the business graphic is displayed. This area is used to display a preview of the Customizing settings. Changes to these settings are displayed immediately in the graphics preview, which lets you implement necessary changes in the business graphic display instantly.

·        Overview of the graphic elements

Area on the upper right side containing the list of graphic elements. You can find a description of the graphic elements in the link above.

Each graphical element, in turn, has one or more properties. To change a property, select a chart element either from the chart window or by name in the chart element window. The properties of the chart element are then displayed, and you can edit and change the values of the properties.  

·        Property list

The properties are listed in the area beneath the graphic elements. To change a property, select a graphical element either with the mouse in the graphics preview or from the overview of graphical elements. The properties of the graphical element are then displayed. You can change the values of these properties.

Calling the Chart Designer

You can call the Chart Designer in the View Designer from the context menu on the BusinessGraphics UI element and then you can modify the business graphic.

See also:  

Working with the Chart Designer



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