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site (BC-FES-ITS)

Internet Transaction Server / SAP@Web Studio (BC-FES-ITS)

The server location of all files required by the Internet Transaction Server (ITS) to start a service.

ITS files are stored in the file system of the ITS server (AGate) or the Web server (WGate), so a site is a combination of these components. Service files, HTML templates, flow files, JavaScript files and language resources reside on the ITS server, but MIME files are stored on the Web server.

During development, you assign all the files that make up a service to a project in SAP@Web Studio. At runtime, these files must be located at a site. To move files from SAP@Web Studio to the site, you must publish them explicitly with the function provided for the purpose.

Since an ITS installation can consist of several instances, each configured with one or more Web server / WGate components distributed across multiple AGate servers to support load balancing, the SAP@Web Studio allows you to define multiple sites.

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