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Procedure documentation Using Geocoding Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


In customer geocoding the system determines the corresponding geographical degrees of longitude and latitude for a customer’s address data.

Depending on the data available in the system, geocoding provides exact results, no matter the level on which it is performed. Geocoding can, for example, be performed at country, region, zip code, street or house number level. The geocoding data contained as standard in mySAP ERP functions at regional and country level. If you want to perform geocoding at house number level, for example, you must obtain and install the corresponding data for the area in question from the third party administrator.

You can execute geocoding for a particular customer directly from the customer master (tab page Visit Information), or for several customers using the Geocoding report. You can specify several customers in the selection screen in the report. You can use a flag to ensure that the system only geocodes those customers whose address data has changed.


If you need geocoding to be more precise than it is at regional level, you must obtain and install the relevant data from a third party administrator.

You must make the necessary geocoding settings in Customizing.

For more information about geocoding, see the Implementation Guide under General Settings under Set Geocoding.


To execute geocoding using the report, proceed as follows:


       1.      On the SAP Easy Access screen under Logistics ® Logistics Execution ® Direct Store Delivery ® Master Data ® Customer ® Geocoding.

The Geocoding screen appears.

       2.      Enter the required data.

       3.      Choose Execute.


You can also execute this report in the test run. In this case the system does not save the data.

The Display Logs screen appears. This lists the geocoding results.


The system has performed geocoding with longitude and latitude data for the selected customer. If you have connected maps from a third party administrator, the result of the geocoding is that the system displays customers graphically on an electronic map in visit plans and visit lists.



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