Entering content frame

Procedure documentation Step 4: Defining a Layout Locate the document in its SAP Library structure



To create the layout for the first template ( INITIAL ), insert the following form definition between the <body> and</body> tags:

<!-- Form definition -->

<form ACTION=" `wgateURL()` " METHOD="POST">




    <td>From &nbsp </td>

    <td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="FromCity" Value="FRANKFURT"></td>

    <td> &nbsp Country &nbsp

        <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="FromCountry" Value="DE"SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2>




    <td>To &nbsp </td>

    <td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="ToCity" Value="NEW YORK"></td>

    <td> &nbsp Country &nbsp

       <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="ToCountry" Value="US" SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2></td>



    <td colspan=3> <br> <br>

    <!-- To raise a Flow Logic event clicking on the button -->

    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="~Event" VALUE="Flights">






To create the layout for the first template ( RESULTS ), insert the following source text between the <body> and</body> tags:

<!-- BAPI RETURN message in case of error -->

`if ( RETURN-TYPE == "E" )`




    Flights from `FromCity` ( `FromCountry` ) to `ToCity` ( `ToCountry` ):<br> <br>


<!-- Listing output data -->

<table border=0 cellspacing=0>


    <th>Flight ID</th> <th>Flight</th> <th>Flight date</th> <th>Departure time</th>


  `repeat with I from 1 to FLIGHTLIST-CARRID.dim`


    <td width=40 align=center> `FLIGHTLIST-CARRID[i]` </td>

    <td width=60 align=center> `FLIGHTLIST-CONNID[i]` </td>

    <td width=80 align=center> `FLIGHTLIST-FLDATE[i]` </td>

    <td width=80 align=center> `FLIGHTLIST-DEPTIME[i]` </td>





You have defined a simple representation of the interface for the two templates (without dialog logic) using HTML and HTMLBusiness.

In the next lesson:

Step 5: Implementing the Flow Logic




Leaving content frame