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Procedure documentation Creating Billing Documents Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


When you create a billing document, you follow the Structure linkstandard procedure. In addition, the system automatically:


You have created a sales order and Structure linkcreated a delivery.


When you create a billing document, the system enters the business place in the document header. It enters the business place that you have assigned to the delivery plant in Customizing. To display the business place, from the document overview screen, choose Goto ® Header ® Header. The business place is in the Taxes group box.


When you release the billing document to Financial Accounting (FI), the system automatically creates a customer invoice in FI, assigning it to the appropriate business place and assigning it a tax invoice number if necessary (for more information about invoices in FI, see Entering Customer Invoices).

The customer line item in the customer invoice contains any withholding tax codes from the sales order (see Creating Sales Orders and Entering Customer Payments).

You can then print out the tax invoice from the billing document (see Output) or the accounting document (see Correspondence).

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