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Background documentation rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


This parameter is used to reserve a number of dialog work processes for dialog mode. It specifies the number of dialog work processes that should be kept free for dialog mode, thereby preventing that all processes are occupied by parallel RFCs.


The parameter rdisp/wp_no_diaspecifies the absolute number of dialog work processes.

The dispatcher controls the forwarding of RFC requests. The RFC request is only passed to a dialog work process if the defined number of free dialog work processes is guaranteed. If it is not, the request is kept in the dispatcher queue for processing later.


The RFC resource check is active (see rdisp/rfc_use_quotas).


Work area

Dispatcher/task handler


Integer value

Standard value


Dynamically changeable

Local and on all servers

Value Range and Syntax

You can set the parameter to values between 1 and the number of dialog work processes (rdisp/wp_no_dia).

SAP’s Recommendation

If a sufficient number of dialog work processes has been configured, this value should be increased


It must be guaranteed that the value of parameter  rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp is always smaller than rdisp/wp_no_dia, otherwise no RFC requests can be processed.


If 10 dialog work processes are configured for the instance (rdisp/wp_no_dia = 10) and the parameter rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp  = 3 is set, parallel RFCs can occupy a maximum of 7 dialog work processes. Three dialog work processes always remain free for dialog mode.

More Information

Note the following documentation associated with this parameter:

Dynamically Configuring RFC Quotas



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