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Configuring the Runtime Operation Mode (Flex)Locate this document in the navigation structure


Enterprise workspaces are implemented using Flex technology. This requires configuring the FlexIntegrationModeService service when you want to use the QTP (Quick Test Professional) automated testing tool, and when you want to run enterprise workspaces in debug mode.


The instructions are different in SAP NetWeaver Portal version 7.0x and in version 7.3x.


You are assigned the portal System Admin role.

Configuring the Runtime Operation Mode (in 7.0x)
  1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path System Administration Next navigation step System Configuration Next navigation step Service Configuration End of the navigation path.

  2. In the Portal Catalog, choose Start of the navigation path Applications Next navigation step tc~ep.ext~flexintegration Next navigation step Services Next navigation step FlexIntegrationModeService End of the navigation path.

  3. In the context menu of FlexIntegrationModeService, select Configure.

  4. You can modify the following properties:

    1. Run Flex applications in QTP (Quick Test Professional) mode

      Set this property to true to use the QTP automated testing tool, in a nonproduction environment.

      Default value: false.

    2. Run Flex applications in debug mode

      Set this property to true to run in debug mode. This property is used for development support purposes.

      Default value: false.

    3. Run Flex applications without setting their WMODE parameter

      Verify that this property is set to true.


    For the best performance results, set both the QTP mode and the debug mode properties to false.

  5. Save your changes.

  6. In the context menu of the tc~ep.ext~flexintegration application, select Administrate.

  7. Restart the FlexIntegrationModeService service:

    In the context menu of the tc~ep.ext~flexintegration application, select Administrate.

Configuring the Runtime Operation Mode (in 7.3x)
  1. In SAP NetWeaver Administrator, navigate to Start of the navigation path Configuration Next navigation step Infrastructure Next navigation step Application Modules End of the navigation path.

  2. In the Module List area, use the filter to search for tc~ep.ext~flexintegration.

  3. In the Web Module Details area, select FlexIntegrationModeService.

  4. You can modify the following properties:

    1. Run Flex applications in QTP (Quick Test Professional) mode

      Set this property to true to use the QTP automated testing tool, in a nonproduction environment.

      Default value: false.

    2. Run Flex applications in debug mode

      Set this property to true to run in debug mode. This property is used for development support purposes.

      Default value: false.

    3. Run Flex applications without setting their WMODE parameter

      Verify that this property is set to true.


    For the best performance results, set both the QTP mode and the debug mode properties to false.

  5. Choose Save.

  6. Restart the FlexIntegrationModeService service. For more information, see Starting and Stopping Portal Services.