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Accessing Workspace Content on DeviceLocate this document in the navigation structure


Workspace content is organized and accessed on a tablet device slightly differently to content on the desktop.

Accessing Workspaces

Workspaces in the Workspace Directory are organized in a tabular view by the following tabs: Public, Favorites, I Manage, Member Of, Drafts, Personal.


On a tablet device, restricted workspaces are visible only to their members and managers. To find and request to join a restricted workspace, you must use the Workspace Directory on the desktop.

If your workspace administrator has enabled user photos, workspace owners are displayed with their user photo. If no photo exists for a given owner, an avatar icon is displayed.

You can search for workspace names and descriptions in the currently selected tab. To open the search bar, tap Search in the Workspace Directory title bar.

You open a workspace by tapping its placeholder in the Workspace Directory.

Accessing Pages and Modules

You access workspace pages by tapping a page name in the tabstrip at the bottom of the screen. You move between modules within a page by swiping vertically.

Workspace data on device may not always be up-to-date. If a page or module are changed on the desktop, the changes are not visible on device until you refresh that page or module.

Resizing and Refreshing Modules

To maximize a module, tap Maximize; to restore it to the original size, tap Restore.

When a module is maximized, the title bar displays the page name, and the tabstrip at the bottom of the screen displays the names of other modules on this same page.

Refresh a module by tapping Refresh.

Navigating in Enterprise Workspaces on Device

Open the Actions menu to move between the Workspace Directory and workspaces or mobile home pages. This menu also contains options to log off and refresh the screen.

Using Specific Modules on Device

Using Universal Worklist on Mobile Devices