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Locking Modules for EditingLocate this document in the navigation structure


The Module API enables you to manage locking of your modules to prevent editing conflicts.

The relevant classes ( ILocking, LockInfo) are contained in the package.

The following samples illustrate how to manage locking of a module that two users are attempting to edit simultaneously. Note that the same module is represented by a separate context for each user.

public class LockModulesForEditing {

	private IUser firstUser;
	private IUser secondUser;
	private String moduleID;
	private IIdentifier workspaceIdentifier;
	private IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = null;
	IModuleContext firstContext;
	IModuleContext secondContext;

	public LockModulesForEditing(IUser firstUser, IUser secondUser, IIdentifier workspaceIdentifier) {

		this.firstUser = firstUser;		
		this.secondUser = secondUser;
		this.moduleID = "ModuleTestID";
		this.workspaceIdentifier = workspaceIdentifier;
		this.workspaceFactory = (IWorkspaceFactory) RuntimeFactory.getWorkspacesRuntime().getService(IWorkspaceFactory.class);

		this.firstContext = getModuleContext(

		this.secondContext = getModuleContext(

	 * Returns the module context specified by the workspace ID, module instance ID and user
	public static IModuleContext getModuleContext(IIdentifier workspaceID,
			String moduleID, IUser user) throws WorkspacesRuntimeException{		

		IModuleContextFactory factory = (IModuleContextFactory) RuntimeFactory.getWorkspacesRuntime().getService(IModuleContextFactory.class);
		return factory.getModuleContext(workspaceID, moduleID, user);

	 * Locks the module for the first user.
	 * Releases the lock on the module, if it was locked by the first user
	 * Returns the locking status of the module context
	public void lockReleaseGetLockInfo(){

		ILocking locking = (ILocking) RuntimeFactory.getWorkspacesRuntime().getService(ILocking.class);

		LockInfo lockInfo = locking.lock(this.firstContext);
		if (lockInfo.getState() == LockInfo.LockState.NEW_LOCK || lockInfo.getState() == LockInfo.LockState.EXISTING_LOCK) {
			// Successfully locked the module for the first user
			// Do something...

			//Release the lock on the module, if it was locked by the user
			if (locking.releaseLock(this.firstContext)) {
				//Released the lock of the first user			
			}else {
				//Could not release the lock of the module of the first user, although it was locked by him

		else {
			// Failed to lock the module for the first user, because it is locked by another user
			// Decide whether or not to use ILocking.forceLock()



	 * Locks the module for the first user
	 * Forces lock on the module for the first user, regardless of the module’s locking status 
	public void forceLockModule(){
		ILocking locking = (ILocking) RuntimeFactory.getWorkspacesRuntime().getService(ILocking.class);

		//Locks the specified module
		LockInfo lockInfo = locking.lock(this.firstContext); 

		if (lockInfo.getState() == LockInfo.LockState.NEW_LOCK || lockInfo.getState() == LockInfo.LockState.EXISTING_LOCK) {
			//Successfully locked the module for the first user

		} else if (lockInfo.getState() == LockInfo.LockState.MODULE_IS_LOCKED) {
			//Force lock for the second user
			lockInfo = locking.forceLock(this.secondContext);


	 * Releases all modules locked by the specified user in the specified workspace
	public void releaseLocksOfAllModule(IUser user, IIdentifier identifier){

		ILocking locking = (ILocking) RuntimeFactory.getWorkspacesRuntime().getService(ILocking.class);

		IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.getWorkspace(user, identifier);
		if (workspace != null) {
			IPage[] pages = workspace.getPages();
			String pageID;
			for (int i=0; i<pages.length; i++) {
				pageID = pages[i].getID();

				//Release all modules locked by the specified user in the specified page
				boolean allReleased = locking.releaseLocks(pageID, user);
				if (allReleased) {
					//Released all modules in the page locked by the user
				else {
					//Could not release all modules in the page locked by the user