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Adding Workspaces to the Navigation HierarchyLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can add workspaces to the navigation hierarchy. However, a workspace cannot be added as an entry-point, only as a second level entry (or lower) in the top-level navigation of the portal.

To add a workspace to the navigation hierarchy, you add it as a reference using the External Connector property of the relevant parent object (such as a folder, role or workset) in a role. You can add both personal workspaces and shared workspaces.

You can determine the display position of the workspace within the navigation hierarchy. This is done using a sort priority value, between 0 and 100. The smaller the value, the further to the left the workspace is displayed in top-level navigation, or the higher it is displayed in detailed navigation. The more a node is used, the smaller its sort priority value should be. You can use decimal points to ensure that workspaces are displayed next to each other, for example, 1.1 and 1.2. When a number of workspaces have the same value, they are sorted alphabetically.


Only users with access to the workspace will see the entry in the navigation hierarchy. For example, in a restricted workspace, only members, managers, and owners will see the workspace in the navigation hierarchy.


You are assigned the portal Content Admin role.


To add workspaces to the navigation hierarchy:

  1. Open the role to which to you want to add the workspace.

  2. Select the object (such as a folder, role, or workset) under which you want your workspace to appear, and in the context menu choose Properties.

  3. Locate the External Connector property and specify the value: <connectorPrefix>://<key>:sortPriority=<number>, where sortPriority is optional.

    • connectorPrefix: workspaces

    • key: List one or more workspaces, using a semi colon as a separator.

      For a personal workspace, use personal.

      For a shared workspace, use the workspace atomic ID.


      The workspace ID can be taken from the workspace settings. For more information, see Creating and Configuring a Shared Workspace.



