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Using a Custom Framework Page in Enterprise WorkspacesLocate this document in the navigation structure


To support the use of a custom framework page in enterprise workspaces, you need to perform the following configuration tasks:

  • Configure the Content Area iView, to enable loading and running workspaces.

  • Configure enterprise workspaces to run with the custom framework page.


    The instructions are different in SAP NetWeaver Portal version 7.0x and in version 7.3x.

  • You are assigned the portal Content Admin role.

  • You are assigned the portal System Admin role.

Configuring the Content Area of Your Framework Page for Enterprise Workspaces
  1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path Content Administration Next navigation step Portal Content End of the navigation path.

  2. In the Portal Catalog, locate and open the Content Area iView that you use in your framework page.

  3. Configure the property by changing its value from STANDALONE to Navigate.

  4. Save your changes.

Configuring Enterprise Workspaces to Run with Your Framework Page (in 7.0x)
  1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path Content Administration Next navigation step Portal Content End of the navigation path.

  2. In the Portal Catalog, locate and open your framework page.

  3. If the value of the Element in Framework Page property is neither FRAMEWORK nor Ajax Framework Page, perform the following steps:

    1. In the portal, navigate to Start of the navigation path System Administration Next navigation step System Configuration Next navigation step Service Configuration End of the navigation path.

    2. In the Portal Catalog, select the Search tab.

    3. Search for the following: *tc~spaces~workspace~proxy*

    4. In the context menu of tc~spaces~workspace~proxy, choose Locate in Portal Catalog.

    5. In the Browse tab, select Start of the navigation path tc~spaces~workspace~proxy Next navigation step Services End of the navigation path.

    6. In the context menu of DocumentHookRegister, choose Configure.

    7. Set the value of the property that refers to the framework page to true.

    8. Save your changes.

    9. Restart the portal service.

Configuring Enterprise Workspaces to Run with Your Framework Page (in 7.3x)
  1. In SAP NetWeaver Administrator, navigate to Start of the navigation path Configuration Next navigation step Infrastructure Next navigation step Application Modules End of the navigation path

  2. In the Module List table, search for tc~spaces~workspace~proxy.

  3. In the Web Module Details table, select the DocumentHookRegister service.

  4. In the Portal Service Details table, set the value of the property that refers to the framework page to true.

  5. Choose Save.

  6. Restart the portal service:

    1. In SAP NetWeaver Administrator, navigate to Start of the navigation path Operations Next navigation step Start & Stop End of the navigation path.

    2. Select the Java Applications tab.

    3. In the Application List table, search for tc~spaces~workspace~proxy.

    4. Choose Restart.