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This is the list of properties that sets up the Topics, Queues, Connection Factories, and Virtual Providers. Some of the properties you can view in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator are purely informative, that is, you cannot edit them.

Note Note

The read-only property Defining Components for all JMS resources is defined as a separate tab in the Details section. It contains a table with all applications, services, and libraries defined in the jms-resources.xml of a particular JMS resource. Using this property you can find which applications, services, and libraries use a specific JMS resource. If the JMS resource is created programmatically in the jms-resources.xml, or in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, that is this resource is not deployed by any application, library, or service, the Defining Components property is empty.

End of the note.

In the Show field, select JMS Resources to display the details related to the JMS connection factories and JMS destinations, Queues and Topics. The properties that are related to durable subscribers are in the Details section and are available only for Topics.

Properties of JMS Resources

Configuration Property Name

Default Value

Used In



JMS Topic, JMS Queue

The name that will be used by the application to refer to the Queue, or the Topic. Later on, this name is used in JNDI lookups.

Destination ID


JMS Topic, JMS Queue

The ID of the destination.

Destination Type

JMS Topic, JMS Queue

This property shows whether the JMS resource is a Queue, or a Topic.

Set Limit to Delivery Attempts Count


JMS Topic, JMS Queue

This property limits the number of delivery attempts and points out if the undeliverable messages have to be moved to a dead message queue. Refer also to Maximum DeliveryAttempts.

Enable JMSX Delivery Count


JMS Topic, JMS Queue

Switches the optional message property JMSXDeliveryCount on or off. Shows the number of time the message has been delivered to a customer.

Delivery Delay Interval


JMS Topic, JMS Queue

Defines the delay in milliseconds between two consecutive message delivery attempts.

Error Destination


JMS Topic, JMS Queue

Defines the name of a JMS destination where dead messages will be moved.

Maximum Delivery Attempts


JMS Topic, JMS Queue

Defines the maximum number of delivery attempts. This property is active only if Set Limit To Delivery Attempts Count is set to true.

Load Balance Behavior


JMS Queue

Defines the load balance behavior of the queue in case the destination has more than one consumer. The possible values are:

  • 1 (Exclusive) - the registering of a second consumer fails.

  • 3 (Round-robin) - messages are distributed among all registered consumers in a round-robin fashion.

Client ID


JMS Connection Factory

The Client ID of the connection factory.

Connection Type


JMS Connection Factory

Displays the type of the connection factory. Possible values are:







Lookup Name

JMS Connection Factory

The JMS Connection Factory name used in JNDI lookups.

Running Mode


JMS Connection Factory

The transaction mode the connection factory supports. The possible values are LOCAL, OPTIMIZED, XA_MODE. More information: Configuring Transaction-Related JMS Connection Factory Properties



durable subscriber

The selector expression to filter messages for the durable subscriber.



durable subscriber

The subscription name.



durable subscriber

The ID of the durable subscriber.

In the Show field, select JMS Virtual Providers to display the following properties.

Properties of JMS Virtual Providers

Configuration Property Name

Default Value


Instance ID


The unique ID of the instance to which the JMS Virtual Provider belongs.

Instance Name

The name of the instance to which the JMS Virtual Provider belongs.

Clean Up Service Sleep Interval (milliseconds)


The time interval in milliseconds after which the Cleanup Service is triggered. The Cleanup Service is responsible for deleting the obsolete JMS messages from the database - these are the expired messages and the already acknowledged messages.

Client Memory Size (bytes)


This is the total amount of memory a JMS client can occupy. The implication of increasing this is that the JMS client will occupy more memory, and thus might affect the performance of other components and applications.

Destinations Count


The current number of destinations of the JMS Virtual Provider.

DataSource Name

The name of the Data Source this Virtual Provider is using for accessing its persistent store. An empty value indicates that the default (system) Data Source will be used. If your application uses database persistency and has its own Data Source, you may consider configuring the same (application) Data Source to be used by the Virtual Provider of the application. More information: Configuring Transaction-Related JMS Virtual Provider Properties

Running Mode


This property determines the clustering behavior of this JMS Virtual Provider. There are two available options — GLOBAL and LOCAL. More information: JMS Clustering and Failover

Client Consumer Buffer Size (bytes)


This is the amount of memory a JMS consumer can use for its message buffer (to pre-fetch messages from the server), that is, this is the size of the client-side in-memory message cache per consumer. The minimum recommended value is the size of the largest expected message. Values lower than that may lead to suboptimal performance.

Cache Size Limit


The maximum size (in bytes) of the server-side message cache per JMS Virtual Provider. The cache is shared among all destinations belonging to this Virtual Provider.