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Procedure documentationTax Statement: Changing the Status Locate this document in the navigation structure


Changing the status of an individual tax statement. A revenue may only be recorded in one tax statement. If there are revenue adjustments resulting from prior period adjustments or reversals, you must first recall the old statements showing the original revenue before you can create a new statement showing the adjusted revenue.


Enter the following data:

Selection Parameters


Tax statement number

The system selects the tax statement with the statement number specified.

Intended New Status of the Statement

The following statues can be set:

  • Statement Recalled

  • Statement Invalid

Status Enhancement

You can enhance the "Statement Recalled" status with the following details:

  • Statement Available (meaning that the customer has returned the old statement to the bank)

  • Statement Not Available

In addition, you can store user-defined information (regarding the reason for the status change) using the "Long Text" function.

Then execute the function (using the button, top left, or F8).


The system displays the result log of the status change.


The status of the tax statement is changed not only by the manual changes, but also by automatic processes, such as the printing of the tax statement. The status of the tax statement can be one of the following:

0 = Created

2 = Original printed

4 = Recalled

6 = Invalid

8 = Flagged for archiving

Within the context of creating tax statements, status 2 (Original Printed) is used to derive information about whether a duplicate has been created.

Status 8 is currently not used.