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Function documentation Business Partner Replication  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure



Before newly created business partner data from the SAP CRM system is replicated in the SAP ERP system, you must first execute an initial data transfer. You use the Start Initial Load transaction (transaction code R3AS) to transfer the business partner data to the CRM system.

Make the settings described below after you have made the general settings for the business partner in SAP CRM, as described in SAP Solution Manager, and after you have made the configuration settings.

First, here is a brief summary of the concept of the business partner or SD customer in SAP ERP:

When creating or changing a business partner with the role Sales Prospect or Contract Partner, you can specify a sample customer (SD customer) in SAP ERP. This creates an SD customer for the business partner with the same number as the business partner. Data is copied from the sample customer (tables KNA1, KNB1, KNVV, KNVP, KNVA, KNVI, KNVD, KNEX, KNVS and KNVL). Name and address data, as well as some additional fields, are transferred from the business partner. If the SD customer already exists, the system only transfers part of the data from the sample customer (only the sales and distribution areas that do not yet exist).

If you now connect a CRM system, the central data from the CRM business partner is exchanged with the business partner in SAP ERP, and the CRM-specific data is exchanged with the SD customer. The CRM business partner has the same number as the business partner in SAP ERP and the SD customer.

You work mainly with the BUPA_MAIN queue. You only work with the CUSTOMER_MAIN queue when you are changing SD customer data, such as sales area data.

Control Table Conversion

To execute the business partner concept specific to the utilities industry, you must convert the following control tables.

Make the following entries (with call indicators set) for the Business Partner object in the ERP table COM_BUPA_CALL_FU (transaction SM30):


Event                                                     Item  Name of Function Module

Mapping Inbound Processing                  5000     COM_BUPA_MWX_FILTER_ISU

Mapping Inbound Processing                  10000   COM_BUPA_MWX_FILTER_MAIN

Mapping Inbound Processing                  50000   COM_BUPA_MWX_MAP_NUMRANGE

Mapping Inbound Processing                  100000  COM_BUPA_MWX_MAP_MAIN_CENTRAL

Mapping Inbound Processing                  150000  COM_BUPA_MWX_MAP_ISU

ERP Object Inbound    3000000               COM_BUPA_MAIN_INBOUND_ISU

ERP Object Outbound 1000000               COM_BUPA_MWX_CREATE_MAIN

Mapping Outbound Processing                100000  COM_BUPA_MWX_BPS_FILL_CENTRAL

Mapping Outbound Processing                150000  COM_BUPA_MWX_BPS_FILL_ISU


Delete other entries for this event.


Make the following entries (with call indicators set) for the Business Partner object in the CRM table CRMC_BUT_CALL_FU (transaction SM30):

Event                                               Item  Name of Function Module

CRM Inbound Processing       50000                 CRM_BUPA_BDOC_MAP_NUMRANGE

CRM Inbound Processing       100000               BUPA_MWX_BDOC_MAP_MAIN_CENTRAL

CRM Inbound Processing       200000               CRM_BUPA_BDOC_MAP_MAIN

CRM Outbound Processing    100000               BUPA_MWX_BDOC_BPS_FILL_CENTRAL

CRM Outbound Processing    200000               CRM_BUPA_BDOC_BPS_FILL_DATA

ERP Adapter Outbound          100000               BUPA_MWX_BDOC_UP_CURRSTATE_SET

CRM Inbound BUPA              1000000             BUPA_INBOUNG_MAIN_CENTRAL

CRM Inbound BUPA              1100000             CRM_BUPA_INBOUND_MAIN_MD

CRM Inbound BUPA              1200000             CRM_BUPA_BDOC_MAP_MAIN

CRM Inbound BUPA              1300000             CRMPHA_MWX_BDOC_MAP_PHARMA

CRM Inbound BUPA              1400000             CRM_BUPA_KOREA_INBOUND_MAP

CRM Inbound BUPR              1000000             BUPA_INBOUND_REL_CENTRAL

CRM Inbound BUPR              1100000             CRM_BUPA_INBOUND_REL_MD

CRM Inbound BUPR              1200000             CRM_BUPA_BDOC_MAP_REL

CRM Inbound BUPR              1300000             CRMPHA_MWX_BDOC_MAP_REL_PHARMA

CRM Outbound BUPA           1000000             BUPA_OUTBOUND_BPS_FILL_CENTRA

CRM Outbound BUPA           1200000             CRM_BUPA_OUTB_BPS_FILL_MD

CRM Outbound BUPA           1300000             CRM_BUPA_BDOC_BPS_FILL_DATA

CRM Outbound BUPA           1400000             CRMPHA_MWX_BDOC_BP_FILL_PHARM

CRM Outbound BUPA           1500000             CRM_BUPA_KOREA_OUTBOUND_MAP

CRM Outbound BUPR           1000000             BUPA_OUTBOUND_BPR_FILL_CENTRA

CRMOU BUPR                      1200000             CRM_BUPA_OUTB_BPR_FILL_MD

CRMOU BUPR                      1300000             CRM_BUPA_BDOC_BPR_FILL_DATA

CRMOU BUPR                      1400000             CRMPHA_BR_BDOC_FILL_DATA


In view V_SMOFEVOB, you have to use transaction SM30 to delete the entries for the following events in SAP CRM:





Use transaction BF31 (Change Application modules per Publish / Subscribe Interface) to change the function module allocation for the following two Business Transaction Events (BTE) in SAP ERP:

Event                       Applc.                Function Module

DE_KTOKD                IS-U                     COM_INTERFACE_DE_KTOKD_ISU

00001321                   IS-U                     ISU_INTERFACE_00001321

Delete all other entries for these two events.

Exchanging Roles

Sold-to-parties in SAP CRM are replicated as contract partners in the OLTP system, and vice versa.

The role Installer is not transferred from SAP ERP to the CRM System.

Other roles, such as customer-specific roles, are only copied from SAP ERP to SAP CRM if they are created there.

Settings for Groupings and Number Ranges

To ensure that business partner numbers are identical, you must create an external number range with the same area for each internal number range (number range object BU_PARTNER) in the other system. This external number range must then be allocated to a grouping (ERP or CRM table V_TB001; transaction SM30). During the data exchange, the system automatically selects a grouping that is allocated to this number range.

Set up the areas in such way, that there is enough space for a long-term operation.

As with settings for the number range, the account group selection takes place when creating a business partner in SAP CRM. An external number range (number range object DEBITOR) must exist for the number that is used to create a business partner in CRM. An account group (ERP table T077D; transaction SE16) must be allocated to this number range. This account group must also fulfill other requirements, such as corresponding to the role in SAP CRM (Sales Prospect or Sold-to-Party). If several account groups are available for selection, the group intended for FI-CA (see table TFK077D) is used.

During the initial download, you must temporarily convert all number ranges to external. This makes it possible to create all the business partners with the same number. During the delta download the system searches for a grouping that is allocated a suitable external number range.


Sample Customers in the Delta Upload

You can store sample customers in the ERP table TCRMBP_REFCUST (transaction SE16). These sample customers are used when creating a business partner in SAP CRM. This means that less data is transferred than when creating an R/3 business partner (ERP tables KNVD, KNB1, KNEX, KNVS and KNVL; transaction SE16).

In table TCRMBP_REFCUST, the system searches generically for a sample customer:

First it searches by Category, Grouping, and Type, then by Category and Grouping (with Type = SPACE), then only by Category (with Grouping and Type = SPACE), and finally with all three key fields as SPACE.


Initial Download

Before performing the initial download, check whether an SD customer has been created for all business partners in SAP ERP, for which this is desired or necessary. (For example, to an SD customer is necessary to use the billing engine in SAP CRM).

You should also check whether business partners already exist for all SD customers. Business partner creation for SD customers is supported by tools (for example, during the SAP for Utilities implementation). In the scenario described, you must not directly create any SD customers (except sample customers), as you are not replicating anything in SAP CRM.

Note Note

Regarding the data exchange of sales areas in delivery Customizing, check in SAP ERP whether the following three entries exist in table CRMINTBAP (transaction SE16) for the table KNVV (transaction SE16).



KNVV                BSC_SALESA      SPART          DIVISION

KNVV                BSC_SALESA      VKORG         SALES_ORG

KNVV                BSC_SALESA      VTWEG         CHANNEL



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