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Function documentationMaintenance of the Relationships in a Collateral Constellation


In the financial service quotation (FS quotation), you can maintain the collateral charge and collateral scope that are mapped by item relationships.


  • You have created the products and relationships needed for a collateral constellation.

    For more information, see Mapping of a Collateral Constellation.

  • In Customizing, you have assigned assets and collateral agreements to item categories.

    For more information, see Customizing for Start of the navigation path Financial Services Next navigation step Account Origination Next navigation step Financial Service Product (FS Product) Next navigation step Assignment of Assets and Collateral Agreements in Transaction End of the navigation path.

  • In Customizing, you have defined how the system represents the relationships in the quotation (filter method) and for which relationships you want to enter attributes.

    For more information, see Customizing for Start of the navigation path Financial Services Next navigation step Basic Functions Next navigation step Cross-Item Functions Next navigation step Item Relationships Next navigation step Layouts Next navigation step Define and Propose Display Variants End of the navigation path.

  • For each filter value for the layout, you can use a Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence how the item relationships are displayed and processed.

    For more information, see Customizing for Start of the navigation path  Financial Services Next navigation step Basic Functions Next navigation step Cross-Item Functions Next navigation step Item Relationships Next navigation step Layouts Next navigation step BAdI: Influence Processing End of the navigation path.


You maintain relationships for collateral constellations in the FS quotation in the Item Relationships area.

Settings for collateral charge

To define the relationship between the object and the collateral agreement, you can make the following settings:

  • Ranking

    You can assign several collateral agreements to an asset. The ranking describes the sequence in which the collateral agreements are utilized in the case of fictitious recovery.

  • Sequence

    You can assign several assets to a collateral agreement. The sequence describes the order in which the assets are recovered in the case of fictitious recovery.

  • Share

    You can define the percentage at which the collateral agreement encumbers the object.

  • Registration Date

    Date of entry in the register.

  • Register Number

    Number of entry in the register.

Settings for the collateral scope

To define the relationship between the collateral agreement and asset, you can make the following settings:

  • Rank Class

    You can define the sequence by assigning several collateral agreements to an asset, such as a loan.

  • Priority

    You can define the sequence in which you want to use the assets in the case of fictitious recovery. The priority also determines the proportion in which you want to use the assets.

    The priority is relevant only if you assign several assets to a collateral agreement.

  • Share

    You can define the percentage at which a collateral agreement safeguards an asset. If an asset is not completely covered by a collateral agreement, you need at least one additional collateral agreement.

    Caution Caution

    Note that SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) can transfer a collateral constellation to the connected collateral management system only if you have defined the settings for the item relationships correctly in the FS quotation.

    End of the caution.