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Process documentationArchiving of Mutually Dependent IPM Billing Documents


Data Archiving in mySAP CRM is used as the basis for archiving objects in the Intellectual Property Management component. This means that archiving of IPM billing documents is largely based on the residence time concept from SAP CRM billing (see Archiving Billing Documents and Residence Times) ,and also uses the billing document as an archiving object.

Note Note

If you are only using contracts with a fixed license fee without advances or internal clearing, the additional program described in the following is not relevant to you.

End of the note.
Special Features of Archiving in Intellectual Property Management

In principle, it is possible to archive older billing documents. However, in contrast to SAP CRM billing, IPM billing may produce dependencies between billing documents as a result of the difference calculation and clearing logic, internal clearing, multiple payees, or accruals. These dependencies mean that the residence time cannot be used as a sole criteria to determine whether a billing document can be archived. If a billing document contains items that are relevant to the difference calculation and clearing logic, internal clearing, multiple payees or accruals, the system performs additional checks to ensure that the billing document is not archived if it contains any items that are still required for follow-up processes.

You should therefore observe the fact that the last billing item in a difference group is required to create the next correction item, and can therefore only be archived if the contract has already been archived.

Note Note

The additional checks have been implemented in the separate program /1BEA/xxxx_DL_ARCH_CHECK: “xxxx” represents the application here; IPMI or IPMO.

You must start this program before you execute any of the standard steps for archiving IPM billing documents. The Residence Time criterion can only be used to archive those billing documents that do not have any dependencies with other billing documents.

Objects cannot be partially archived. Archiving for IPM billing documents ensures that all associated data is archived collectively and deleted from the database.

End of the note.

Caution Caution

If the archivability indicator has been selected in the billing header, the document can no longer be modified, reversed or transferred to Accounting.

Billing documents cannot be reloaded from the archive into productive tables since this can cause major data inconsistencies.

End of the caution.


You have defined a residence time for each billing type. Choose the following path in the IMG: Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Industry-Specific Solutions Next navigation step Media Next navigation step Intellectual Property Management Next navigation step Billing and Settlement Next navigation step Archiving for IPM License Settlements Next navigation step Maintain Residence Times for Billing Documents End of the navigation path. For more information on maintaining residence times, see Maintaining Residence Times.

Note Note

The billing documents to be archived must be mutually independent

End of the note.


The billing document is the archiving object. The following are also archived as dependent data:

  • Billing items

  • Billing due list items and data that is dependent on this information

  • Service data (partner, prices, texts) and data that is dependent on this information

Initial Screen

Archive administration: Start of the navigation path SAP Menu Next navigation step Architecture and Technology Next navigation step System Administration Next navigation step Administration Next navigation step Data Archiving End of the navigation path. Enter the BEA_IPMI or BEA_IPMO object here and choose an action.

To view archived data, access the Data Archiving feature (from the SAP Easy Access menu select Start of the navigation path Architecture and Technology Next navigation step System Administration Next navigation step Administration Next navigation step Data Archiving End of the navigation path. ) When the initial screen is displayed, select Information System and then Archive Explorer.