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Background documentationNotes on Executing an IP Mass Change Procedure


  • When the Select IP operation searches for IPs using Involved Parties data as the search criteria, all validity periods are included in the search steps

    Normally, when you carry out a Select operation and specify a node attribute whose value is subject to a validity period, the system only returns the associated IP if the search criteria matches a value that is:

    • Currently valid

    • Valid at a future date or time

    However, an exception to this behavior occurs when you carry out the initial Select IPs step and use Involved Parties data as the search criteria. In this case, validity is not considered and therefore all IPs meeting the search criteria are returned regardless of validity

    Example Example

    You have the following IPs:


    • Involved Party

      • Partner function: Director

      • Validity From : January 1

      • Validity To: June 30


    • Involved Party

      • Partner function: Director

      • Validity From: January 1

      • Validity To: February 28


    • Involved Party

      • Partner function: Director

      • Validity From : May 1

      • Validity To: Sept. 30

    The current day is March 15. You carry out a Select Involved Party operation, and specify that the attribute Partner Function=”Director”. The system will only return the Involved Party node of IP1 and IP3, since the validity of the Director partner function in the Involved Party node of IP2 is in the past.

    However, when the first Select step of a mass change procedure is carried out (that is, the Select IPs step), the system does not consider validity periods.

    For example, in the Select IPs step (the first step of the mass change procedure), you specify that the attribute Partner Function = "Director", the system will return IP1, IP2 and IP3.

    End of the example.
  • Case sensitivity of the rights scope description search fields during the initial Select IPs step

    If you configure the first Select step of a mass change procedure (that is, the Select IPs step) to search for intellectual properties, you need to note that the following fields are case sensitive:

    • Description fields from any Rights Scope node

    • Made for Market Description from the IP Header node

      Example Example

      If the Description field of the Rights Owned – Rights Scope node is "My Description" and you specify "my description", "my Description" or "My description" in the search parameters, the system will not locate the corresponding IP

      End of the example.
  • IPs that are not successfully modified in a mass change step will be blocked from further modification in subsequent steps

    If you apply a step on multiple IPs, the system indicates how many IPs were successfully changed. If an IP was not changed due to an error, you cannot carry out subsequent changes on that IP:

    Example Example

    You have the following IPs:

    • IP 1

      • Rights Owned — Rights Scope

        • Rights Owned — Rights Group

          • Market: Book

          • Territory: Germany

          • Language: German

    • IP 2

      • Rights Owned — Rights Scope

        • Rights Owned — Rights Group

          • Market: Book, DVD

          • Territory: Germany, Italy, France, United States

          • Language: German, Italian, French, Spanish

    You wish to execute the following mass change procedure:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs (Select all IPs)

        • 2. Select Rights Owned — Rights Groups (Market: “Book”)

          • 3. Change Rights Owned — Rights Group (Language: “Spanish” to “English”)

        • 4. Add Rights Owned — Rights Scope

          • 5. Add Rights Owned — Rights Group (Market: “Movie”, “Territory: “All”, Language: “All”)

    When you execute the mass change procedure, the system is not able to execute the Change operation on IP 1, since the Language dimension value English is not present. Consequently IP 1 is blocked from any additional mass change steps and the system does not execute the Add Rights Owned — Rights Scope and Add Rights Owned - Rights Group steps on this IP.

    End of the example.
  • Changing Numerical Values or Dates

    If you are executing a Change operation to modify a numerical value or a date field in the IP (for example, publication date, generation formula ID, Made for Market ID), you can make the change as follows:

    • You can overwrite the current value with a new value (Set option)

    • You can change the current value by a positive or negative amount, or in the case of dates, days, months or years (Calculate option)

    • You can remove the value completely (Clear option)

  • Changing Some Node Values but not All Values

    If you are executing a Change operation, you might be presented with a number of options available to be modified. For example, if you execute the Change IP Header operation, the section of the screen where you specify your changes will have many different fields where you can specify changes (for example description, status, generation formula, publication date, title level and Made for Market ID).

    You only need to indicate values for those components that you need to modify. If you leave a specific field blank, the system will keep the current value of the corresponding attribute as is.

  • Changing Rights Information

    If you are specifying the details for an operation where you change rights group information (for example: Change Rights Owned – Rights Group, Change Release Dates – Rights Group, or Change Release Restrictions – Rights Group), and you select the operators Remove or Replace By, the data entered in the rights dimension value to be removed or replaced must exactly match the rights dimension value present in the rights group.

    Example Example

    The IP to change has Rights Owned Rights group rights dimensions values as follows:

    • Market: All

    • Territory: Worldwide

    • Languages: All languages

    You configure a Change Rights Owned – Rights Group step, with the following settings (to remove values from the rights dimensions):

    • Market: Books, Operation: Remove

    • Territory: Africa, Operation:Remove

    • Languages: English, Operation: Remove

    When you try to apply the changes, the system reports an error. You can only remove the values specified above if the Rights Owned rights group had rights dimensions values that included explicit values of “Books”, “Africa” and “English”.

    End of the example.

  • Limitations of the Undo Function

    When carrying out a mass change procedure in online mode, you normally are able to undo mass change steps provided you did not apply any additional steps, and provided that you did not save your changes. However, this feature is not supported for the following node-operation combinations:

    • Operation: Change

    • Node: Involved Party

    • Operation: Delete

    • Node: All nodes except any rights group (for example, Rights Owned – Rights Group)

      Note Note

      In other words, you can only undo Delete operations involving nodes of rights groups

      End of the note.
    • Operation: Change

    • Node: Status (attribute of the IP Header node)