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Object documentationArchiving Fund Usages


You can use the archiving object CRM_FM_FU in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) funds management to archive fund usages.

Note Note

As the system generates a large volume of fund usage items, it is important to set up data archiving for fund usages during the blue print phase of your implementation.

End of the note.
Application-Specific Customizing
  • You can set the residence time for archiving fund usages in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Start of the navigation path Funds Management Next navigation step Fund Usages Next navigation step Maintain Residence Time for Archiving End of the navigation path.

  • You can define additional functions for archiving fund usages in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing Start of the navigation path Funds Management Next navigation step Fund Usages Next navigation step Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) Next navigation step BAdI: Archiving Actions for Fund Usages End of the navigation path.

Archiving Object Contents

This archiving object manages the archiving of fund usages database tables.

The fund usages archiving object contains the following database tables:

Database Table




Description of fund usages

To be archived


Header data from fund usages

To be archived


Item data from fund usages

To be archived

The fund usage archiving object also:

  • Takes information about fund usage statuses from the database table CRM_JEST to archive statuses

  • Deletes relevant information from the following accrual tables once the fund usage has been archived:

    • Reference data: CRMD_ACL_REFDATA

    • Sales Volume: CRMD_FM_ACL_SV

  • Archives the relevant funds management aggregates for fund usages and fund usage items using the table CRMD_FM_AGR_FUI

The fund usages archiving object contains the following programs:

  • Preprocessing program

    The fund usage must have the status Balanced or Canceled to be archived. The residence time check must also be met.

  • Write program

    All data that passed the checks of the preprocessing program is written to the archiving files.

  • Delete program

    All the data that was written to the archiving files is deleted from the online database.

Variant Settings for Writing

The write program includes a selection page containing selection criteria taken from the fund usages search page. The status field is not available because fund usages must have the status Can be archived to be archived.