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Function documentationMaintenance of the Billing Due List


The billing due list is the object in CRM billing, which receives the billing data that is transferred from CRM business transactions. During input processing, CRM billing adds Customizing and master data to the transaction data, checks this data and saves it as billing due list items.

Data in the billing due list item with the associated Customizing and master data is the sole basis for the subsequent billing sub process. This means that CRM billing does not read any data from the CRM business transaction subsequently while a billing document is being created.

Note Note

The billing due list distinguishes CRM billing from the SD billing document: In this case the billing index is simply a reference to the data in the order or delivery to be billed as a result of the system saving the order or delivery number.

The billing due list concept in CRM billing is designed to integrate billing data from various source applications (for example, from SAP CRM and non-SAP source applications).

End of the note.


You can only bill billing due list items if entries in the billing due list are:

  • Not blocked for billing

  • Not incomplete


The system transfers all billing data from the CRM business transactions to CRM billing automatically if you have made all relevant settings in Customizing. More detailed information on this is available under input data processing.

From the License Acquisition or License Sales work center in the SAP CRM WebClient UI, choose Billing Due List Items and proceed as follows:

  1. Select billing due list items

    1. In the Search Criteria section, specify the billing due list item search criteria and select Search.

    2. Billing due list items that meet the specified search criteria are displayed in the Result List table.

      The Billing Status column (if displayed) reports the billing status of each billing due list item

      • “Node triangle”

        Indicates that the selected result contains multiple billing due list items. Click on the triangle to expand the result and display the individual items.

      • Yellow triangle

        Indicates that the billing due list item has a billing status of To be processed.

      • Red circle

        Indicates that the billing due list item has a billing status of Blocked or Incomplete item (hovering the mouse cursor over the icon will generate a pop-up displaying the actual status).

        If the status is Incomplete item, you can click on the icon to display the error messages that explain why the item is incomplete.

  2. Bill selected billing due list items

    More detailed information on triggering individual billing and collective billing is available under Individual Billing and Collective Billing.

Additional Notes

Handling Billing Blocks and Incomplete Items

Before triggering billing using the billing due list, you must release the corresponding items if they have been assigned a billing block or are incomplete. Billing blocks or incomplete items occur in the following situations:

  • During input processing, where the Billing Block indicator for billing item categories is set to Blocked

    To remove the billing block:

    1. Use the Search tool to find the blocked billing due list items.

    2. In the Result List table, select the blocked billing due list items you wish to release.

      • You can select as many items as you wish.

      • If you select a root node or sub-node, the system will automatically select all sub-nodes and items that fall under the selected node.

    3. In the Result List table tool bar, choose Release Billing Block.

      • If the block is released successfully, the billing due list item status will change to “To be Processed”.

      • If the block cannot be released, error messages will be displayed, and the status of the billing due list item will not change.

  • When data is present in incomplete billing due list items (that is, with a status of Incomplete item), which must be corrected or completed before it can be released to billing. This affects:

    • Incorrect billing due list items, which have been created during partner, price or text processing as a result of missing Customizing settings or internal processing errors.

    • “Blocked” billing due list items, which are created when a business transaction is changed, for instance if a transaction is processed simultaneously during dialog billing.

    To correct the item:

    1. Use the Search tool to find incomplete billing due list items.

    2. In the Result List table, select the incomplete billing due list items you wish to process

      • You can select as many items as you wish

      • If you select a root node or sub-node, the system will automatically select all sub-nodes and items that fall under the selected node.

    3. In the Result List table tool bar, choose Process Incomplete Items.

      • If the item is processed successfully, the status will change to “To be Processed”.

      • If the item cannot be processed, error messages will be displayed, and the status will not change.

Note Note

A billing block can also be set in a license contract. In this case, the billing block (billing status A) is not displayed in the billing due list and can only be removed in the contract.

End of the note.
Special Features in Conjunction with the Difference Calculation

The difference calculation is based on the fact that billing due list items, whose valuation is based on cumulated data (ITD data), are billed in the correct order without any gaps. The billing creation date is used as a sort criterion within a difference group (see below).

If several billing due list items exist within a different group, you must follow the sequence defined by the billing creation date during billing. If you select all available billing due list items in a difference group and trigger billing, the system will process items in the correct order automatically. If however, you attempt to bill a single item, for which no billed predecessor exists, the system will respond with an error message and will not process this item.

Business Add-Ins

Enhancements to the billing due list are available using Business Add-Ins (BAdIs). For more information, see SAP Customizing under:

  • Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Industry-Specific Solutions Next navigation step Media Next navigation step Intellectual Property Management (IPM) Next navigation step Billing and Settlement Next navigation step Incoming Royalties Next navigation step BAdIs End of the navigation path:

    • BAdI: Copying Requirements (BEA_IPMI_BD_CPREQ)

    • BAdI: Copying Requirements for Cancellation (BEA_IPMI_BD_CPREQC)

    • BAdI: Billing Document (BEA_IPMI_BD)

    • BAdI: Billing Due List (BEA_IPMI_DL)

    • BAdI for Customer-Specific Components in the Billing Due List (CRM_IPM_UPL_BEA_COMP)

    • BAdI: Billing Document Text Processing (BEA_IPMI_BD_TXT)

    • BAdI: CO Account Mapping for Billing Due List (BEA_IPMI_DL_IAT)

    • BAdI: Pricing Mapping for Billing Document (BEA_IPMI_BD_PRC)

    • BAdI: Pricing Mapping for Billing Due List (BEA_IPMI_DL_PRC)

    • BAdI: XIF Mapping for Billing Due List (BEA_IPMI_DL_XIF)

  • Start of the navigation path Customer Relationship Management Next navigation step Industry-Specific Solutions Next navigation step Media Next navigation step Intellectual Property Management (IPM) Next navigation step Billing and Settlement Next navigation step Outgoing Royalties Next navigation step BAdIs End of the navigation path:

    • BAdI: Copying Requirements (BEA_IPMO_BD_CPREQ)

    • BAdI: Copying Requirements for Cancellation (BEA_IPMO_BD_CPREQC)

    • BAdI: Billing Document (BEA_IPMO_BD)

    • BAdI: Billing Due List (BEA_IPMO_DL)

    • BAdI: Customer-Specific Components in the Billing Due List (CRM_IPM_UPL_BEA_COMP)

    • BAdI: Billing Document Text Processing (BEA_IPMO_BD_TXT)

    • BAdI: CO Account Mapping for Billing Due List (BEA_IPMO_DL_IAT)

    • BAdI: Pricing Mapping for Billing Document (BEA_IPMO_BD_PRC)

    • BAdI: Pricing Mapping for Billing Due List (BEA_IPMO_DL_PRC)

    • BAdI: XIF Mapping for Billing Due List (BEA_IPMO_DL_XIF)

    • BAdI: Exclusion of Business Transactions in the OR Data Collector (BEA_IPMO_DPL)

    • BAdI for BDoc Generation for Settlement Data Records (CRM_IPM_BEA_BDC_R3A_)

    • BAdI for Creating Additional Fields for the OR Itemized Statement (CRM_IPMO_BEA_SF_DATA)