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Background documentationNotes on Defining an IP Mass Change Procedure


  • An explicitly-defined Select step can be used to filter components for subsequent changes

    If you have the following procedure:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Add Rights Owned — Rights Group

    The system selects IPs based on your selection criteria and then adds rights owned — rights group information to all Rights Scopes in all IPs in each of the IPs returned by the search. In this case, a Select IPs step and a Select Rights Owned — Rights Scopes step is implicit.

    If you have the following procedure:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Select Rights Owned — Rights Scopes

          • 3. Add Rights Owned — Rights Group

    The system selects IPs based on your selection criteria, then selects specific rights owned — rights scopes from these IPs, and then adds a rights scope-rights group to these selected rights owned — rights scopes. In this case, the Select Rights Owned — Rights Scopes step is explicit.

  • You need to execute a Select [IP node] step prior to a Delete step if you wish to indicate specific IP nodes to delete

    Unlike other operations, the Delete step does not allow you to select specific IP nodes to delete. Therefore if you need to specify particular IP nodes to delete, you should execute a Select [IP node] step where you can make your selection.

    Note that this becomes important when executing mass change procedures configured for background execution. For procedures configured for online execution, you can always deselect the IP nodes you do not wish to delete before you select Apply.

  • If you need to remove an Add, Change or Delete step, ensure that you undo the step

    If you wish to remove an Add, Change or Delete step, ensure that you undo the step first (if you applied this step already) by choosing the Undo button. If you do not, the Delete button will remain inactive.

  • When inserting a new mass change procedure step, you can only select nodes that are subordinate to or the same as the node associated with the currently-selected step

    When you add a new step to a mass change procedure, it is added as a sub-node to the currently-selected node. This means that the new step can only involve nodes that are subordinate to or the same as the currently-selected node.

    Example Example

    You have the following procedure:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Select Rights Owned — Rights Scopes

    If you select the step Rights Owned — Rights Scope, you can add an additional step that involves the node Rights Owned — Rights Group as this is a sub-node of Rights Owned — Rights Scope.

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Select Rights Owned — Rights Scopes

          • 3. Add Rights Owned — Rights Group

    However, if you wanted to add the sub-node Release Dates — Rights Group, you would not be able to insert it under the Select Rights Owned — Rights Scope step. Instead you would need to add it as follows:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Select Rights Owned — Rights Scope

          • 3. Add Rights Owned — Rights Group

      • 4. Add Release Dates — Rights Group

    End of the example.

    The node Release Dates — Rights Group is a sub-node of the IP node, therefore it can be placed directly under the Select IPs step.

    Note also that in this case, the Add Release Dates – Rights Group operation is applied on all release dates – rights groups in all release dates – rights scopes of IPs selected in the first step.

    Example Example

    You have the following procedure:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Select Rights Owned — Rights Scopes

    If you select the step Select Rights Owned – Rights Scopes, you can also add an additional step that involves the same node, Rights Owned — Rights Scope.

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Select Rights Owned — Rights Scopes

          • 3. Change Rights Owned — Rights Scope

    End of the example.
  • Not all operations are available, depending on the nature of the mass change step

    When you insert a new step, not all operations will be available, depending on the feasibility of the step.

    Example Example

    You create a mass change step that involves adding a new rights scope (Add Rights Owned — Rights Scope). Any subordinate step can only be an Add step (for example, Add Rights Owned – Rights Group).

    Other operation steps (Select, Change, Delete) are not available because you shouldn’t need to modify a node you just added – the node should be added with the correct data already.

    End of the example.
  • You cannot insert or move steps between existing steps

    You cannot insert or move steps between existing steps. Any new step will inserted after the last step in the current sequence.

    Example Example

    You have the following procedure:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Add Rights Owned — Rights Scope

        • 3. Add Release Dates — Rights Scope

    If you wanted to add the step Add Rights Owned — Rights Group, the system inserts it after Step 3, as a subordinate to Step 1. You cannot insert it between steps 2 and 3.

    End of the example.
  • You cannot remove steps located between existing steps

    You cannot remove steps located between existing steps. You can only remove the last step of a mass change procedure.

    Example Example

    You have the following procedure:

    • IP Mass Change (root node)

      • 1. Select IPs

        • 2. Add Rights Owned — Rights Scope

          • 3. Add Rights Owned — Rights Group

        • 4. Add Release Dates — Rights Scope

        • 5. Change Library

    You wish to remove step 3. To do so, you must remove steps 4 and 5 first.

    End of the example.
  • You cannot end a procedure branch with a Select step

    Logically, you always need to carry out an additional step on a node after you have selected it. As a result, if a branch currently ends with a Select step, the system does not allow you to add new steps to other branches.