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Object documentationPosition


Organizational object (object type key S) which shows the functional task distribution of individual items and their reporting structure in the organizational model. Positions are concrete items in a company, to be assigned to holders (employees or CRM users), for example, people responsible from purchasing, sales managers from Europe or secretaries from the marketing department.

There are different types of positions. A normal position is not a concrete item in a company, but an aid for creating several positions with comparable tasks and features.


You can use positions to show the individual items in your company and their assignment to organizational units and their functional task distribution. You can define a chief position within an organizational unit to which all other positions in this organizational unit report.

In some companies the simple assignment of positions to organizational units already depicts the reporting structure, that is, the relationship of positions to each other according to expertise and disciplinary matters.

You need positions to

  • Create staff assignments, this is the assignment of a holder (employee or CRM user) to a position and the corresponding organizational unit

  • Distribute tasks to the items in your company

  • Implement the use of Workflow Management

  • Carry out evaluations throughout the reporting structure

A position can also be activated for one or more scenarios. This is the prerequisite for determining the employees responsible for a business transaction via the position.

If you are also using CRM Territory Management, we recommend you assign only one employee to a position.


A position can always be linked in CRM

  • an Organizational unit via the link A/B 003 (belongs to / covers)

  • to a holder (employees or CRM users) via the link A/B 008 (holder)

A position inherits the attributes of an organizational unit that are assigned to it. You cannot assign it your own attributes.

In other applications in organizational management (for example, workflow) a position can also be linked to other objects. You can find more information in the basis documentation under position.