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 Where-Used List


Many products can reference the same mini-template, and thus any changes made to a particular mini-template will be reflected in all the products that reference it. The where-used list ensures that you are aware of the effect that changing mini-templates in Customizing would have on your product master records.


The where-used list is triggered when you attempt to change or delete a mini-template. Checks are run to determine all the products that reference the mini-template in question. The results are displayed in a dialog box. If the mini-template is being used, it is not possible for you to delete it.

If you are authorized to change mini-templates, a further dialog box gives you the option of scheduling a background job for the report TFW_DX_TEMPLATE_CHANGES. This allows you to distribute changes made to mini-templates to external systems, such as ERP or SAP BI. If you cancel at this point, the worklist is stored in the database table TFW_DX_MINITP, where you can process it later.

You should be aware that the where-used list is not triggered when you attempt to change or delete the assignment of a mini-template to a product category in category and hierarchy maintenance. Thus, the dialog box mentioned above for scheduling report TFW_DX_TEMPLATE_CHANGES does not appear automatically. If you want to distribute the changes to an external system, you must therefore schedule a job for this report manually.

You can schedule the distribution to external systems of mass changes caused by changing mini-templates, by choosing Templates -> Schedule Data Exchange of Changes to Mini-Templates in Customizing of the SAP Product .