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Transferring Queue Names to the Inbound QueueLocate this document in the navigation structure


To be able to use qRFC with inbound queue in the target system, a sending application needs to transfer the related queue names.

A queue name is a 24 byte string.


  • Queue names must not contain the following characters: *, &, % or lower case letters.

  • Queue names must not start with a blank.


  1. Always call function module TRFC_SET_QIN_PROPERTIES before CALL FUNCTION ... IN BACKGROUND TASK.


    TRFC_SET_QIN_PROPERTIES is contained in qRFC API for the outbound queue.


    To prevent different applications unintentionally using the same inbound queue, each application should use a specific prefix for its queue names (for example, SFA_... or APO_...).

  2. The qRFC Manager uses the current SAP client and queue name as the queue ID for serialization. The queue does not need to be configured.

Next Steps

You can get an overview of all function modules in qRFC API under: