Technical Name of Business Function |
LOG_SD_CI_02 |
Type of Business Function |
Enterprise Business Function |
Available As Of |
SAP enhancement package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 |
Technical Usage |
Central Applications |
Application Component |
SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) |
Required Business Function |
Simplified Sales Processes in Sales and Distribution 02 ((LOG_SD_SIMP_02) |
This business function enables you to use extensive functions and an improved user interface for carrying out your sales process. There are additional functions, both in the ERP system (SAP GUI for Windows) and for the Internal Sales Representative role. This role is available in SAP NetWeaver Business Client (as a technical role), and in SAP NetWeaver Potral (as Business Package for Internal Sales Representative).
Thanks to the following additional functions, order processing is now more efficient:
Enhancements for Order Processing in the ERP System
There are also new functions available for the sales process.
Enhancements for the Internal Sales Representative Role
The Internal Sales Representative role has been enhanced to enable your sales representatives to optimize sales processes. For example, you have more influence on which data and functions are available for your specific sales processes. There are also new functions available for the sales process. The role can now also be used directly in SAP NetWeaver Business Client.
For more information, see "Features".
You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:
Type of Component |
Component |
Is Needed Only for the Following Features |
Software Component |
SAP_APPL 605 |
Optional: Portal content |
SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.0 SP15, Business Package for Internal Sales Representative 1.5 |
Portal role Internal Sales Representative |
Optional: SAP NetWeaver Business Client |
SAP NetWeaver Business Client 3.0 Desktop and HTML |
Internal Sales Representative Role |
You have activated the business function Sales and Distribution (LOG_SD_CI_01). For more information, see Sales and Distribution.
You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales and Role "Internal Sales Representative". For further information see the release information for this business function.
Displaying archived contracts
Sales representatives still have electronic access to archived sales documents. If you execute the Display Contract function (transaction VA43), the system first searches for the contract in the database and then in the archive.
For more information, see Displaying Contracts.
Search function for sales orders
With the NetWeaver Enterprise Search you can now also search for sales orders (object type SALES_ORDER) based on the following data at item level:
Material and description
Item category
International Article Number
Enhanced material search with creation
SAP has enhanced the index-based, cross-field full text search for materials and vendor catalog products (without material master), which has been available since SAP enhancement package 2.
Sales employees can search for materials more efficiently, create new materials, and use personalized search settings to carry out the sales process more quickly. They can display additional information for the materials found, such as the ATP quantity (available-to-promise) or the unrestricted stock for various plants. They can hide information they do not need, such as search results that have plants without stock.
In addition to the SES (Search Engine Service), you can implement the search engine SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search. This uses the search object connectors Material and optionally Catalog (vendor catalog products).
Renewed credit check for blocked sales documents (batch)
If you have integrated the SAP Credit Management application in the Sales and Distribution process, you can carry out the credit check for sales documents. You can use report UKM_RVKRED09_XI to run credit checks again in background processing for sales documents that have been blocked due to an XI error (SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure) or an error in the credit check.
For more information, see Renewed Credit Check for Blocked Sales Documents.
Direct mailing campaign for batch recall
Sales employees can use a direct mailing campaign from Sales Support to recall a batch that has already been delivered to a customer. This can be necessary, for example, if the batch does not meet quality standards or was damaged. Mailing type 0111 controls this recall process.
For more information, see Batch Recall.
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)
You can use the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) to integrate your company-specific business logic into standard order processing:
Define List of Reference Document Items to be Copied
You can use this BAdI when you create a sales document to define a list of reference document items, even for different source documents. Using the relevant copy control, the system automatically copies these items to the sales document you created. This BAdI is valid regardless of which user interface (UI technology) is implemented and can even be run in background processing.
Provide Additional Tabs (Document Header)
You can use this BAdI to provide up to five additional tab pages for a document header in the VA* transactions in the SAP GUI, such as transaction VA01 Create Sales Order.
Provide Additional Tabs (Document Item)
You can use this BAdI to provide up to five additional tab pages for a document item in the VA*- transactions in the SAP GUI.
You can find these BAdIs in Customizing for Sales and Distribution, under
. For more information about the functions, see the documentation for each BAdI.For more information, see Business Add-Ins for Processing Sales Documents.
You can also use the Internal Sales Representative role in SAP NetWeaver Business Client. This role is defined in Role Maintenance (transaction PFCG), under the technical name SAP_SR_INT_SALES_REP_5.
For more information, see Internal Sales Representative.
Sales Document Processing
The standard Web Dynpro application LO_OIF_MAIN_APP (Sales Document Processing) provides the following new processing functions, based on the enhanced Lean Order Framework (LO API):
For legal agreements, you can create and process quantity contracts and value contracts.
Repair Orders
If customers bring faulty goods to be repaired, you use repair orders (such as sales document type RAS) to control the business processes for processing the faulty goods. This repair order type enables you to include the repairs for a specific service product during order entry.
Sales employees can enter a billing plan for each item of a sales document. You can enter billing dates at header level if they are relevant for all items. In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you use the billing plan type to define how you want to bill, for example periodically.
Item Processing
Improved variant configuration
In the configurable sales UI, sales employees can configure the items for sales directly from the Item Overview. If you start the variant configuration for an item, it is no longer necessary to also create the configuration on the separate Variant Configuration tab page under the item details. We recommend that you do not use both configuration options at the same time.
For more information, see Variant Configuration of Document Items.
Enhanced material search
In the configurable sales UI, you can search for and copy additional materials in the Item Overview. You access the Material Search function in the Other Functions toolbar.
Follow-up activities for document items
You see the infrastructure for defining follow-up activities. You can use the BADI_SLS_LO_OIF_FOLLOW_UP Business Add-In (BAdI: Define Follow-Up Activities for Configurable Sales UI) to additionally implement the standard follow-up activities Print Preview, Billing and Delivery.
For more information, see the BAdI documentation.
Processing formatted SAPscript texts
You can activate the SAP Text Edit Control for processing formatted SAPscript texts at header level and item level. You make this setting in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Activate Functions for Configurable User Interface.
Print preview for sales documents
In addition to form type PDF (print program SD_SDOC_PRINT01), the print preview for sales documents also supports the form types SAPscript and Smart Form (print programs RVADOR01 and SD_SDOC_PRINT02).
For more information, see Configurable UI for Sales.
Layout configuration
IT administrators can tailor the user interface for Sales specifically to your sales processes in the Configure User Interface activity.
Based on the enhanced Lean Order Framework (LO API), there are additional component configurations you can use as preconfigured UI Building Blocks. You can also include these new UI Building Blocks in your existing application configurations for the configurable sales UI and position them wherever you need them, such as the list with change documents.
For more information, see Configurable UI for Sales.
Enhancement Workbench
System administrators can use this workbench to integrate customer-specific fields that you have already implemented in the SD back-end logic in the sales process and declare them in the Lean Order Framework (LO API). These fields are available on the consuming user interfaces and enterprise services that are based on LO API.+ Administrators can easily add these fields to the configurable Sales UI.
For more information, see Enhancement Workbench.
Business Add-Ins
The BAdIs you can use to influence how sales documents are processed are grouped in enhancement spot ES_BADI_SLS_LO_OIF (Configurable Sales UI).
For more information, see Order Processing.
Using additional Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) you can influence the personal worklists for order processing as follows:
You can enhance the methods of the feeder class, for example, by adding new activities or selection criteria.
You can further develop the methods of the feeder enhancement class. You can add dialog boxes, for example.
The enhancement options for the personal worklists are grouped in the enhancement spot ES_BADI_O2C_POWL_FEEDER (BAdI: Enhancement Spot for O2C Feeder Classes).