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Recipe Reviewer (for Pilot Implementation) Locate this document in the navigation structure



This role allows users to access objects with read access, and is especially suited for use in pilot implementations.

Caution Caution

This role should be used as a demo role with demo users only. A demo role must not be used in a production system in case it contains wildcards “*” (asterisks) for parameters, which might grant too many authorizations to users. After copying this role to a production system, each authorization parameter containing an asterisk must be thoroughly checked before use.

End of the caution.

Object Type



Corresponding Activity in Database TableTACT

Access Control Context


Displaying access control context

It only allows access by means of the object navigator.

The following views are visible: General Data, Context Hierarchy, Objects (only objects that the user has authorization for).

Any user assigned through a context role to a certain context implicitly gets the Read activity granted for this context.

03 (Display)

Material BOM


Displaying material BOM

Displaying classification included

03 (Display)



Displaying document metadata

Displaying classification included

03 (Display)

Enter, Include, Assign

Reusing document

This activity has currently no effect as the system always allows the reuse of documents if you have the right to display them.

22 (Enter, Include, Assign)

Display application start

Starting an application to download and view files attached to the document

53 (Display application start)



Displaying material

Displaying classification

03 (Display)

Enter, Include, Assign

Reusing material in material BOM item

22 (Enter, Include, Assign)

Change Number


Displaying change number

Displaying classification

03 (Display)

Enter, Include, Assign

You can use a change number when you change an object that has a reference to a change number.

22 (Enter, Include, Assign)



Displaying recipe

03 (Display)