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SAP Student Lifecycle Management: Implementation Accelerator Locate this document in the navigation structure


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SAP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0

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SAP Student Lifecycle Management: Implementation Accelerator (ISHERCM_EXT_IAP)

SAP Student Lifecycle Management: Implementation Accelerator Package (ISHERCM_MAIN_IAP)

SAP Student Lifecycle Management: User Interface for Academic Advisor (ISHERCM_UI_ADVISOR)

SAP Student Lifecycle Management: User Interface for Student (ISHERCM_UI_STUDENT)

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You can use this business function to reduce implementation efforts in several areas, including event planning, module plans, admissions, and student file navigation. Also a new degree audit user interface replaces the older BSP application.


You have installed the software component IS-PS-CA.

You have activated the following business functions:






Course Demand Report

This new report analyzes both demand for courses and current bookings for courses. The report accumulates actual bookings, module plan entries, and registration cart contents for demand planning purposes. It also provides student details.

Institutions can plan better for future course offerings and can react to current course registration demands.

Minimum Grade requirements for pre-requisites in Extended Booking Checks

While using Extended Booking Checks to create prerequisite module booking requirements, users are now able to include delivered parameters for Minimum Grade and Grade Scale, which Student Lifecycle Management automatically evaluates to determine whether completed courses should fulfill qualifying requirements.

Customers can now define minimum grades for complex pre-requisite checks without customer-specific development.

Academic Substitutions for Audit Subrequirements

For index-dependent audit subrequirements, it is now possible (for an individual student) to define additions, exclusions, and substitutions to qualifying academic work. These academic substitutions are persistent across multiple audit runs and multiple requirement profiles.

Using a standalone web application, academic advisors can now manage an individual student's degree requirements in a way that is consistent with the academic process. Manual re-entry of academic substitutions is no longer necessary for each audit run, saving time and effort.

Refresh Audit Results

A new refresh function is available for previously executed audits. This function maintains all manual course substitutions from the previous audit run while adding new academic work completed by the student. Refresh audit is available via the new audit interface and the existing mass audit processing reports. Waived admissions requirements are also preserved in admissions audits.

Academic advisors can manage audit-specific substitutions without worrying about manual substitutions being lost when audits are re-evaluated. Admissions officers can more easily manage waived admissions requirements.

Structured Admissions Codes

You can now define admissions code as a structured field, with a specific set of allowable data values per admissions status. Allowable values, as well as conversion from one value to another (during change of admissions status) can be defined in the implementation guide.

Dynamic Regeneration of Admissions Audit Profiles

You can now regenerate the admissions audit requirement profile for an admissions record directly from the admissions tab in the student file. Existing audit results for old profiles are automatically deleted.

Users can now directly manage the generation of an admissions audit profile when an applicant's data has changed for example, due to a transfer or change of specialization.

Enhanced Add-In for Search Criteria Display for Web Course Registration

A Web course registration add-in allows institutions to filter the search criteria that are displayed to the student. The add-in now includes parameters with the student and registration context.

Institutions can improve service levels to students by showing them search criteria for only those courses or classes that they are able to register for.

Ability to Reapply for Graduation via Student Self-Service Functionality

Students whose graduation application has been rejected or withdrawn can now reapply for graduation via self-service functionality.

Improved student services and reduced operating costs are achieved by replacing a manual process with a self-service process.

Enhanced Mass Processing for Assigning Student Fee Category

Mass assignment of student fee category now includes all fields in the student fee category info type.

Adding Modules to Module Plans Before Offering/Scheduling

Modules can now be added to a module plan (which requires a year or session context) even though the module does not have a session-of-offering flag for the designated year or session.

Academic advisors can now provide much better degree planning services for students, as they can build module plans for a student's entire academic career, even though the course schedule is not fully built for upcoming years.

Search by Module Group Assignment

The object manager in the student file and student master data now has an option to search by module group assignment when searching by student name.

Registrar users can now easily search for students who share the same major (or other academic specialization).

Module Selection via Evaluation Path

It is now possible to select a group of modules based upon an evaluation path.

Copying academic offerings forward from one session to another can now be accomplished for an entire organizational unit (that has subunits) via a single selection, resulting in increased productivity and a smaller chance of inadvertent omissions.

Time-Independent Events Enhanced with Capacities/Dates

Time-independent events can now have capacities as well as relative start and end dates that are different from those of the academic session.

Course planners can more easily manage schedules and registrations for academic offerings that do not meet at a designated time or place.

Basic Support for Learning Communities

You can now configure a module group category to represent learning communities. You can group together the various class sections that make up the learning community, due to a newly-allowed relationship between event packages and module groups. The Web course registration search function then allows you to search for sections by module group.

Guided Activity for Degree or Stage Audits

Simplifies and streamlines guided activity for managing requirement profiles for degree/stage audit runs.

Provides academic advisors and students a clear view of the courses a student has taken to meet degree requirements as well as the remaining courses that need to be taken.

Provides academic advisors and students a simple way to perform what if audit runs.

Academic advisors can use requirement profile decoupling to manage the relationship between requirement profiles and assessment processes.

Academic Work Navigation Enhancements

The academic work overview now provides direct access to individual work details, which provides direct access to appraisal notes.

Student records users can now more easily access key elements of a student's academic record, saving processing time and increasing productivity.

Event Planning Enhancements for Events Without Schedules

Events without schedules can now have multiple instructor assignments, with percentages. All the instructors are automatically transferred when the event is scheduled.