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Production Management and Revenue Accounting Extended Features Locate this document in the navigation structure


Technical Data

Technical Name of Business Function


Type of Business Function

Industry Business Function

Available As Of

SAP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0

Technical Usage


Application Component


Directly Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in Addition

Upstream Production Management (OIL_PRODUCTION)

Upstream Revenue Accounting (OIL_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING)

You can use this business function to extend your existing portfolio of functions in the areas of Accounts Receivable Reconciliation, Settlement Statement - Value and Post, Product Balancing, Production Regulatory Reporting, Valuation document creation and processing, and PRA- Financial Accounting (FI) integration.


You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:

Type of Component


Software Component


IS-PRA 605

To use this function, you must have activated the following business functions:


Accounts Receivable Reconciliation

You use this function to:

  • Update the receivable balances in a real-time when accounts receivable (AR) sub-ledger postings are made

  • Manage receivable balances using an user-friendly AR workplace. Here you can:

    • View current balances, earlier balances, write-off history and transfer history

    • For current balances:

      • Categorize all or part of a balance

      • Initiate, cancel and approve manual write-offs

      • Mass approve of manual write-offs

      • Drill down to the accounts receivable details

      • Transfer a detail check input (CI), balance (cash balance) with no limit on the transfer amount

  • Associate Comments (capturing user and date) to a write-off (initiate, cancel and approve), balance transfer or general AR balance key

  • Manage Responsibility IDs at AR remittance level by mass reassigning of responsibility IDs and automatically updating current balances with the new responsibility ID when it is changed

  • Maintain configuration for automatic write-off for a company, account and age by using amount, or percentage or both for write-off determination

  • Age balances automatically at accounting period close

  • Trigger automatic write-off at accounting period close

Settlement Statement - Value and Post

You use this function to provide flexibility to value and post documents. You access the transaction in the SAP Easy Access menu under Logistics -> Production and Revenue Accounting ->Revenue Accounting ->Valuation ->Settlement Statements ->Settlement Statement (O3URV_SS0). You can also use this function to:

  • Value a settlement statement document

  • Review the combined run to validate the journal entries before posting

  • Post the document

Product Balancing

You use this function to:

  • Run system verification utilities, which include the following reports:

    • Contractual allocation (CA) volume validation report checks and verifies CA results against CA results reported in balancing module.

    • Historical ownership report verifies last month’s ending balances and the current month’s starting balances.

    • Zero interest owners report identifies owners with zero entitlement percentages but still hold balances.

    • Balancing exception report find wells/measurement points (MPs) with no product balancing agreement (PBA) cross-reference, PBAs with no well/MP cross-reference, PBA cross-reference replacement deck and PBAs with no starting balances.

  • Run partner reporting utilities, which includes the following reports:

    • Utility to reprint PBA reports for a reporting month using Smart Form.

    • Display of owner balances by the reporting month.

  • Run control reports utilities, which includes the following reports:

    • Well/MP master data display Displays PBA cross-reference and venture/division of interest (DOI) cross-reference for well/MP.

    • Display of owner balances by sales month.

  • Regenerate PBA report for multiple months, which internally deletes several months’ reports, generates, and finalizes them.

  • Capture user IDs and dates for internal comments.

  • Run balancing ownership transfer selection by PBA number and gain an additional field Gross Revenue Interest (GRI) in the result display.

Production Regulatory Reporting

You use this function to:

  • Automate manual edit processes for the Federal Regulatory Agency Minerals Management Service (MMS) for the Oil and Gas operations report (OGOR) (which includes A, B, C and Production Allocation Schedule Report (PASR). You can also:

    • Adjust Minerals Management Service (MMS) reports

    • Adjust MMS reports which modify, delete and add report lines on the basis of the mentioned criteria against the specified validations for each report.

    • Regenerate line numbers wherever needed against the specified validations for each report.

    • Replace PRA-generated lines with edited lines against the specified validations for each report.

    • Recalculate total lines before the revised data are submitted against the specified validations for each report.

    • Provide versioning of the adjusted reports lines.

    • Provide authorization on the basis of the lines of existing framework (O3UREP_MASTER).

    • Maintain the adjusted reports after submission of the adjusted data.

  • Percentage split well completion volumes for MMS reports:

    • Configure split volumes between multiple override groups in the existing framework (transaction O3UREP_MASTER) for MMS.

    • Validate and process the total percentage for all override groups for a well completion.

    • Report volumes with percentages attached to the override groups.

  • Amend report versioning for all reports:

    • Generate multiple versions of amended reports (Federal and State Agencies available within the existing Regulatory Reporting framework).

    • Include/exclude reallocated or changed well completions (RWC).

    • Generate amended report after excluding well completions on the Changed Well Completions or Reallocated Well Completions (RWC) screen.

Concurrent Valuation Document Processing

You use this function to enable processing of multiple documents simultaneously (from standard valuation document work list) for a delivery network across multiple sales dates having different marketing group setup.

Plant Volume Reduction (PVR) Reserve Word

You use this function for creating a new reserve word ESETWLR which can be utilized in valuation settlement formulas to use entitled wet less residue (WLR).

Revenue Distribution Summary Enhancement

You use this function to help the revenue and tax accountants in reconciling and analyzing value and tax information.

The valuation subsystem in PRA acts as the central point to value the volumes for a valuation cross reference (VCR) transaction utilizing various types of data like volumetric information (Production or CA), price (pricing module), ownership data. It is also used to calculate internal and external marketing deducts and taxes.

After summarizing data, the valuation (VL) application area then transmits it to the Revenue Distribution and Tax and Regulatory Reporting application areas. This function is used for:

  • Changing the existing valuation document processing to store the Revenue Distribution (RD) summary records into the database. You can display the RD summary records displayed for a document by going to the SAP Easy Access Menu and choosing Logistics-> Production and Revenue Accounting-> Revenue Accounting-> Valuation-> Valuation Processing-> Valuation Document Work List.

  • Using transaction O3URV_RDSUM to build and store RD summary records for any post complete document. You can also go to the SAP Easy Access Menu and choose Logistics-> Production and Revenue Accounting-> Revenue Accounting-> Valuation-> Valuation Processing-> RD Summary.

The following functions are available:

  • Executing RD summary step for a given VL document. Only post complete documents are valid for processing and results are stored in the database table.

  • Deleting RD summary records for a VL document.

  • Showing list of VL document numbers having RD summary information in a report.

  • Displaying of RD summary information in an ALV for a VL document.