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In-House Cash Module Enhancements Locate this document in the navigation structure


Technical Data

Technical Name of Business Function


Type of Business Function

Enterprise Business Function

Available As Of

SAP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0

Technical Usage

Financial Services

Application Component


Directly Dependent Business Function Requiring Activation in Addition

Not relevant

With this business function, you can use various new functions in SAP In-House Cash to manage payments and streamline payment processing among subsidiaries and with external partners. As well as improving your credit position, SAP In-House Cash enables you to maximize your interest accrual and cash surplus. You also get an overall view of subsidiary and group transactions and can minimize exposure during cash crunches, reduce processing times, and keep bank transfer and transaction costs to a minimum.


You have installed the following components as of the version mentioned:

Type of Component


Is Needed Only for the Following Features

Software Component




  • A feature for cash concentration reference enables you to maintain a reference between the bank customer account (BCA) payment orders and the In-House Cash payment orders. When the cash concentration run takes place, two payment orders are created - one from the BCA and another from In-House Cash. These payment orders are now linked and the details are available in the logs of the In-House Cash payment order.

  • A feature for payment order reversal is available. With this feature, you can reverse payment orders for both cross bank and external payments. On reversing a cross bank payment order, the reversal of the generated payment order takes place. On reversing an external payment order, if the generated payment request is cleared then the clearing document and the payment request is also reversed. There is a provision available which lets you enter the reason for reversing the payment request and, if available, the clearing document.

  • You can unblock and post payment orders in bulk. The final posting of the payment order occurs only when confirmation is received from the external bank. The addition of a dual control checkbox enables you to control the dual control setting when the In-House Cash account limit is exceeded.

  • A feature for unblocking and posting payment orders is available. With this feature, the final posting of a payment order happens only after a confirmation on the clearing is received from the external bank. Payment orders are posted provisionally until an accepted items message is received from the bank, indicating that the payment has been debited. On receiving the bank statement from the external bank, it is uploaded to determine if the payment for the corresponding payment order is cleared. If it has been cleared, the particular payment is selected and unblocked so that it can be finally posted.

  • A dual control check feature is available. A flag (no dual) is used to prevent the payment order from going into dual control mode automatically when the account limit exceeds. If the flag is checked, the payment order would fail to post and would not go to into dual control. If the flag is not checked, the payment order would go to into dual control when the account limit exceeds.