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Vorgehensweisen Configuring Users' Display Name  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


A user’s display name is the name displayed for a user in the user management engine (UME) user interface, for example in list of results when you search for a user in identity management. It is the name that is returned by the method IUser.getDisplayName().

By default the display name is the user’s last name followed by the first name. You can customize the display name, for example the user’s salutation followed by first name and then last name.


This name does not apply to all user interfaces, for example, the masthead of the SAP NetWeaver Portal.


This procedure requires you to restart SAPNetWeaver Application Server (AS) Java, so you should plan for the required down time while the AS Java restarts.



       1.      Configure the required UME properties.

For more information about editing UME properties, see Editing UME Properties.

The required property is ume.users.displayname_template.

The default template is {lastname}, {firstname}. Use any of the following components to modify the template:

¡        User attributes

The available user attributes are: {firstname}, {lastname}, {salutation}, {title}, {jobtitle}, {company}, {department}, {currency}, {email}, {telephone}, {mobile}, {fax}, {streetaddress}, {city}, {zip}, {country}, {state}, {locale}, {timezone}, {j_user}


If you do not include any user attributes in the template, the UME replaces any content you included with the unique name of the user at runtime.

¡        Characters

       2.      Restart the AS Java.


If the UME property is set as follows:

ume.users.displayname_template={salutation} {firstname} {lastname}

For a user whose first name is Peter, second name is Miller, and salutation is Mr, the display name is Mr Peter Miller.

This display name appears on all user interfaces that use the method IUser.getDisplayName().

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