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Background documentationSecure Communication Between the TREX Servers (TREXNet) Locate this document in the navigation structure


The TREX servers (name server, queue server, index server, preprocessor, and TREX Web server) communicate with each other using TREXNet. TREXNet is a communication protocol developed for TREX-internal communication. Like HTTP/HTTPS, it is based on TCP/IP. You can configure the TREXNet communication protocol for secure communication.

If you want to configure secure communication between the TREX servers you also have to enable secure communication between the TREX Java client and the TREX name server. This is the only way to completely protect the TREX servers against attacks. The first step consists of preparing the Java client for secure communication using TREXNet. You use the SAP NetWeaver Administrator on the Application Server Java to do this. You then configure TREXNet for secure communication. You do this in the sapprofile.ini configuration file.

Note Note

You have set up client/server certification in the steps involved in configuring secure communication between TREX and the application using it, as described in this guide. The keystores, certificates, and entries in central configuration files (sapprofile.ini and SAPSSLS.pse) created for that secure communication are also accessed by TREXNet when the TREX servers communicate using a secure connection. You therefore do not need to configure these keystores, certificates, and entries again.

End of the note.

Process Flow

You carry out the following tasks in order to configure secure communication between the TREX servers using TREXNet.

The graphic below gives an overview of the process flow.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.