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Process documentation Recurring Campaigns Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


A recurring campaign is a campaign that runs at regular intervals. These campaigns can be repeated as often as necessary and do not need to have an end date. The end date for a recurring campaign is derived from its start date and the number of periods for this campaign.

Example 1:

A newsletter is sent out to a specific distribution list once a month.

All of the people that have subscribed to a newsletter belong to a specific profile, which holds the description of the current target group. Every time that the next period for this campaign is due, target group selection takes place using the assigned profile. This profile contains the people that have currently subscribed to the newsletter. This group of people will than receive the monthly newsletter via the campaign execution channel.

See the example below.

Example 2:

A birthday campaign is another typical example of a recurring campaign. Here you would send a congratulation letter or e-mail to customers who have their birthday on this particular day.

Here again you would need to assign a profile to your recurring campaign, holding enough selection criteria to select all those customers whose birthday fell on that particular day.

Since the campaign would be set up to run daily, a new customer selection takes place every day based on the assigned profile for each campaign period. All those customers selected for a particular period would than receive their birthday congratulations on time via the campaign execution channel.


Process Flow

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

1. You create a campaign in the Marketing Planner. Then you branch to Campaign Automation to model your campaign.

2. In the process modeling area, you create a campaign element for periodic execution (e.g. sending the birthday mail)

3. Connect the campaign (start node of your recurring process) and the campaign element which you have just created in the step before.

4. Double-click the campaign (=start node) to display its details in the details area of the campaign automation application. To define this campaign to be a periodic campaign you have to specify 3 parameters:

·         Set periodic campaign to Yes

·         Specify a period type (e.g. Daily)

·         Specify the number of required periods

·         You also specify how often in more detail, for example, you can say that the campaign takes place hourly every two hours for a total of 15 times.

5. Double click the campaign element to maintain required parameters for the execution channel you wish to use and also to assign a profile or a target group to it.

6. Finally you release and save your recurring campaign process as usual and than you start it from the start node.




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