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Function documentation Rule Editor Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


The rules specify which follow-up steps are to be processed under which conditions. Rules that define the successors of a campaign element are defined in decision nodes.

Rules are processed in the order given. They can either all be evaluated, regardless of whether or not they are satisfied or the evaluation process can stop as soon as the first rule is satisfied.

Each rule has a list of conditions and a list of follow-up steps, ie. pointers to the next process steps.


Condition Templates


There are pre-defined condition templates available for editing the conditions in a rule. They are divided up into various categories; Marketing Segments, Surveys, Times, Campaign Elements, Various.

Examples of condition templates:

Marketing segment; Business partners meets profile Select profile

Surveys: Business partner has completed Select survey

Time: Business partner reacted before Specify date. This can also be a relative date, for example, you can say within two days of the start of the campaign.

Campaign element: No. of participants Select campaign step is at least Enter no.

Various: Business partner reacted with Select transaction type


If you double-click on a decision node (or an optimization element), you can maintain its details in the lower part of the screen.

On the Basic Data tab page, you can specify the processing mode for your rules:

·         If only the first rule where conditions are met should be executed

·         If all rules should be checked and executed.

You can maintain as many rules as needed using the Insert Rule button from the toolbar and you can enter a description for the decision node. You can use the buttons, Move up, Move Down, Move to Top and Move to Bottom to prioritize your rules.

Each rule can have multiple conditions assigned to it. All conditions have to be met before the rule can be performed.

You can use the Add condition button to add conditions to a selected rule. This opens a pop-up containing a predefined set of conditions to choose from.

The pop-up contains pre-defined categories of condition templates. Each condition template contains one or more parameters.

If you copy one of these condition templates into the current rule, the attributes of the condition appear as input help for the appropriate attributes.

Since every rule has at least one follow-up step assigned to it, these parameters can be maintained using the input help. Once the conditions in a rule are met, these follow-up steps are triggered.

These can either be campaign elements, connector nodes or other decision nodes.

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